Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's time for a GIVEAWAY!

Hello, friends!  I can't thank you enough for your support, your follows and your sweet comments.  It has been a joy watching this blog grow so quickly and getting to know each and every one of you. As you know, I read every comment and respond as often as I can. I love visiting your blogs and participating in your linky parties. I have found friendship and inspiration every where I turn in blog land.  I can't get enough!  So, to show my appreciation, I wanted to create a very special giveaway.

I do believe my most popular post so far was this post where I transformed vintage finds into home decor pieces.  Your favorite was this vintage milk crate -
 I decided not long after this post that my holiday giveaway would be another transformed vintage milk crate. I went hunting and found a vintage metal crate with wooden handle. It doesn't just have six compartments, it has eight.
I found mason jars to fit and filled each with whole coffee beans.  Many of you commented that you liked my use of coffee bean fillers in my decorating.  It smells delicious too when paired with these vanilla scented candles in glass votives.  I managed to squeeze those inside for you.
The crate is rusty and feels very industrial.  I decided to go with some rustic holiday picks.  You'll find red berries, pine cones, small bird's nests, pears and apples in this arrangement.
It's quite large too which means it could be a table centerpiece.  Or how about using it to light the front porch on the night of your Christmas party?  It would look great indoors or out.
I almost forgot...the handle has been embellished with some crinkled seam binding and a skeleton key just like my fall piece.  This is a unique vintage find that has been transformed just for you.  So, how do you win?  Let's make it simple. You have two chances to enter -

1) Leave me a comment telling me you're an existing follower or a new one. Include your email if you don't have a blog please so I can get in touch if you win!
2) Leave me a second new comment telling me you have posted a link to this giveaway on your blog or that you grabbed my button and posted on your blog (see right side bar).

I'll accept entries through Sunday, December 5th, 2010 at 5:00 p.m., I will post the winner that night.  A random number generator will be used to select the winning comment.  Thank you so much for participating!  I appreciate each of you so much! Good luck!  Linking this post to:


  1. WOW,
    this is super special anything with coffee and I am in! LOL
    I just started following you like a week ago but I am starting to go back to your other posts to catch up.
    Your posts have been very inspirational and fun to see and read.
    I am so glad that you found my blog so I could find and enjoy yours, I became a follower as soon as I clicked on last weeks post.
    I can't wait to get to know ya better
    Have a great holiday

  2. I am a new follower...your blog is so charming! I don't have my own blog, but I love to look around blogland and enjoy reading and copying so many ideas I find...

  3. This is lovely. Just LOVELY! I've actually been reading your blog through Google Reader for some time now, but it was only tonight I realized I wasn't technically a follower as well. Consider that rectified! :)

  4. Hi Vicki,
    Of course I'm a follower and I grabbed your button too! Thanks for the chance to win your adoarable crate! I always love visiting your blog and I appreciate when you visit mine too!
    Thankful for you,

  5. Hi Vicki~ wow what an incredible giveaway!! I love following you along and gathering up all your wonderful inspiration~ I will add your button as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! :)

  6. Sonya - I've added an entry for you here for grabbing my button! Thanks!

  7. Courtney - I've added an entry for you here for adding my button! Thank you!

  8. I am indeed a follower.Thanks so much for sharing.Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I am an existing follower, of course! Love your piece. Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. You had me at rust and unbeatable combination. I'm a follower already, but if it will increase my chances of owning a piece of your heart I'll gladly sign up again!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. All the things I love, old jars, rust, keys ...Count me in! Now I'm going to work on the button grabbing thing again.

  12. wow, that is really beautiful and i have the perfect spot for it! i am a new follower (of about a week) to your blog and i love it!

  13. I'm a relative new follower and got the idea of the paperback jack-o-lantern from your blog and made one that my family thought was so cute. Love giveaways and this one is such a neat one. Even if I don't win I will keep my eyes out for an old milk crate for decorating.

  14. Oh Vickie- this is one wonderful and pretty give-away! I'd love to be the recipient of it, so please put my name in the hat. Thanks, Sue

  15. I'm placing your button on my blog, too...

  16. I love everything you do! You're so creative and talented. I've been following you since the day I found you.

  17. I just added your giveaway button to my sidebar. I sized it down from 160 to 150 pixels to get it to fit. Hope that's okay.

  18. what a beautiful transformed this milk crate to perfection. i am a happy follower and would love a chance to win. Merci!

  19. I love, love, love your crate! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! I am one of your followers, please enter me in your very cool and generous giveaway! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  20. have been following for a couple of weeks now. lovely blog! crossing my fingers and toes!!!!

  21. How awesome is your giveaway!!!
    I have been following your blog for a few weeks and really enjoy you creativity!


  22. I LOVE your blog!!! I'm a loyal follower and I LOVE all the things you post!!! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway and I wish you and your family a beautiful Holiday Season!!!
    best regards,

  23. What a wonderful giveaway ! Thanks for a chance to win. I have been a follower for awhile now.........Happy Thanksgiving.

  24. I am a follower-What a wonderful give away -you have such amazing talent taking something so plan and creating a work of art .

  25. That's beautiful- I would love to be entered and I'm a follower :)

  26. Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway.
    I'm a new follower.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  27. WOOHOO!!! I did it!! I grabbed your button and it works.

  28. WOW! This is gorgeous, and so creative!

    Best fishes to you and your family for the holiday season. :)

  29. I'm a new follower!I don't have a blog but think I'm going to enjoy reading yours and looking at all your creative ideas!

  30. I am a follower. And I figure winning this will be almost like I went "fleaing" with you :)

  31. And of course I am putting that button on my sidebar- but really should I? Then more people will enter- ok, I will.

  32. I love your blog so much. You have so much talent. That would really look good on my table for Christmas!!!! Vicky

  33. Thanks for the opportunity. I am a new follower. If (when??!!) I win you can find me at my blog!! I am loving your blog!

  34. This is my second comment. I posted your button on my blog! I am so excited to enter this contest. Happy Thanksgiving Night!!

  35. My second comment! Your button is now own my blog. I want to win so bad!!!!!!!!! It is so pretty and I am doing my kitchen in Vintage for Christmas! So I am going to leave a place on the table for it!

  36. WOW! I love this piece! It is gorgeous! Thanks for the nice giveaway! I am your newest follower. I'm having a giveaway too, if you want to sign up.
    ~ Julie

  37. Posting your giveaway on my sidebar! Thanks so much! Would love to win this giveaway!
    ~ Julie

  38. Hey Vickie,
    I'm a new follower, and I am loving your creation! Your site is great, I'll be looking around a while. Thanks for including me in your Holiday giveaway.
    Becky C

  39. Hi Vickie,
    I was visiting Anne's blog and she sent me over here to yours. You are extremely talented and creative, and I love your ideas and your blog. I am a new fan(follower), and would appreciate the opportunity to win your give away, it would be darling on my countertop, and would remind me of you and all of your creative inspiration. I hope you've had a great Thanksgiving!

  40. Beautiful giveaway, my sweet friend!

    Love ya bunches!

  41. Hi Vickie,
    Nice to meet you...I'm so glad that I read about your blog on Fiona & Twig! What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the chance to enter. I'm a new follower now!

  42. Hi Vicki,
    How totally beautiful!!! Wow! I'm a follower...and I came over to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  43. I posted about your giveaway on my blog! Thanks again.
    Oh yes, I'll be a follower as soon as the follower gadget is working again! : )

  44. I've come over from Anne's at Fiona and Twig. So glad she sent me! I'm now a follower. xx

  45. I have been searching for a crate like that!! I would love it!! Iam also a new follower!! Thanks

  46. Wonderful giveaway, Vicki! I am a follower! Great feature on Fiona and Twig, too!

  47. hi I am a new follower and so happy to have found your blog! It is lovely.

  48. Hi, I just found you through fiona & Twig's site . I am a new follower and so far I love your blog. Your give-away is beautiful. Please include me in your drawing!
    :o) Sue

  49. I am a new follower and I just love your blog. I spent an hour going through your blog looking at your photos and just admiring everything. Great giveaway...hope I win!

  50. I'm a new follower. What a lovely blog! Can't wait to get to know you better.

  51. Hello Vicki... I just popped over from Anne's at Fiona and Twig... what a lovely feature she did on you and your blog... I can't wait to read your older posts... I am excited you are going to have an Etsy shop soon too... I LOVE vintage anything, especially vintage Christmas, and have collected it since I was a child... I am signing on as a new follower, then going back to see more!... xoxo Julie Marie Oh yes, I got soo excited looking at all of your photos I almost forgot, please enter me in your generous giveaway too... Merci!...

  52. Hello, its nice to meet you. I just came over from Fiona and Twig and had to check out your blog.

    I just love the decorated milk crate! I'll bet it smells wonderful.

    I just became a follower of your lovely blog and now going to take a little time to look around.

  53. It's me again. I posted your badge on our blog:


  54. Hello there....what a great give away....please throw my hat in the ring....I've been a follower for some time....I even made your pumpkin out of the book pages folded over with my grandson....he loved doing it with me. (O:(O:



  55. I'm a new follower and I LOVE your blog! I love your "style" and the milk crate!!!

  56. Hi Vicki,
    Just me again. I thought for sure I was already a follower....I visit your blog all the time but I guess I wasn't. So sorry! I'm hitting the follower button now.

  57. Hi your blog! I am a new follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway!

    So happy Anne sent me over to visit!!

  58. I love, love the milk crate. Please throw my name into the hat. I have joined up to follow your blog.
    Thanks for sharing,

  59. Vicki,
    I have posted your giveaway button on my blog.
    I look forward to more of your blog.

  60. Hello,
    lovely giveaway, please include me in your giveaway.
    I am following now. Thanks.

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. I am a new follower , found you through Fiona and Twig, Love your stuff !

  63. I am posting your like on my sidebar.

  64. Hi! I popped by from Fiona and Twig. I didn't even realize you were having a giveaway when I became a follower, but definitely count me in! I just loved the name of your blog and had to come over and check it out . Love it! Thanks for offering this lovely giveaway.

  65. well I think you have out done yourself, this is a beautiful giveaway!!! You know I don't have a blog but I do follow you my friend and am always excited to see what you've posted! Would love to win this, I have the perfect spot for it, I'll keep my fingers crossed since I never win anything, LOL! We'll see what happens! Good luck to everyone! ♥

  66. Hello! I just popped over from Fiona and Twig, and am delighted with your beautiful blog. I will have to go back through some of your past blogs and view somemore eye candy. Wonderful stuff! You are a very creative and talented lady. I just became a follower for the first time. I am so glad that Anne posted all about you! Awesome giveaway!

  67. i posted a link on my fb page...

  68. i;m a follower.

  69. I have just come over from Anne's blog, Fiona and Twig, where she posted the most fabulous photographs of your gorgeous creations. Your blog is awesome, I will have to spend some time going through your older posts. I am now a follower as well. I am in the UK though, so don't enter me in the draw, as beautiful as the giveaway is. It would cost way too much to ship across the big pond, if I won. I am just happy to have found your blog.

  70. i'm your newest follower;) well, probably for about 2 minutes anyways!Thanks for the chance!

  71. What a wonderful giveaway. I love love love it and of course I follow you. Happy Friday.

  72. I came to visit after reading Fiona & Twig's feature blog post about your wonderful blog. What a lovely giveaway, who wouldn't just love to be chosen.

  73. I forgot to mention in my first comment that I have been a follower of your blog for a little while now. I just put your giveaway button on the sidebar of my blog.

  74. Oh my!!! What a great prize!! Pleeease enter my name!!


    barbara jean

  75. Hey girl I posted about it too, (but secretly hope I win) =)

    hugs and blessings
    barbara jean

  76. I am a new follower--love the milk crate type thing. My Grandpa used to be a milk delivery man and this has good childhood memories for me.

  77. Hi Vicki! I'm popping in from Fiona And Twig where you were featured. Anne did a wonderful job of showing us pictures from your blog and some of the really fantastic projects you have done...just amazing! Your giveaway is so sweet and generous, special since it is one of your creations! I am a new follower and looking forward to seeing more of your crafts!


  78. I, too, just popped in from Fiona and Twig. Anne's feature of you and your blog sent me scurrying over. This is a wonderful piece and so generous of you to offer it as a giveaway. I'd be thrilled to win this and know just the spot it would be perfect. I'm a new follower and look forward to more of your creative posts.
    Thanks ~ Sarah

  79. Oh my Vicki what an absolutely gorgeous giveaway. I am definitely a follower (perhaps even twice) as I keep changing my "picture". Your blog is so ethereal and beautiful ~ I could sit here for a long while looking at everything! Hope I win!! Hugs, Marilyn

  80. Hi again Vicki. Let's see ... I posted one comment and this is my second and would LOVE to grab your sidebar and post to my blog but I am embarrassed to say I don't know how to do that. If you could email me (or someone) I would be happy to do it. :?) Hugs, Marilyn

  81. Love your blog. I am a follower, and this giveaway is wonderful, so please enter me. Thanks so much, Linda

  82. Hi Vicki! I'm your newest follower! I found your blog via my sweet friend, Anne over at Fiona & Twig! She featured you on her blog today and I've gotta tell you....I fell in love with your beautifully artistic style! I would LOVE to win this wonderful industrial crate for my French-inspired farmhouse. It would be just perfect on my kitchen table.

    Blessings! xoxo laurie

  83. I will be posting your wonderful giveaway on my sidebar! Thanks again - and I look forward to getting to know you! :)

    xoxo laurie

  84. Hi Vicki,
    I am your newest FOLLOWER and WOW would I LOVE to win this. LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! I Do have passion for all the same things you do and I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE you to visit my blog and be a FOLLOWER to me too and peek in now and then!!! Hugs to you, Donna

  85. "I jut posted your giveaway button on my BLOG" and "YES" it works because it brought me back here!!! NOW I get a second chance at WINNING!!!
    Thank you for a double chance to win!

  86. I love your your "stuff", want that crate! Wonderful giveaway....crossing my fingers...and I am a new follower!!

  87. KB here -newbie from Funky Junk all the eco and natural trims and embells...gorgeous!!!

  88. posted about your giveaway on my blog!! have a great weekend!!!

  89. I have been following for just a few weeks. Love all the ideas I find on your site. Please enter me. thanks for your generosity. sue

  90. I am a follower. What a wonderful gift to win.

  91. Fabulous Give~Away, New Follower Here....
    Love your Designs~
    Cheryl ~ ZM

  92. Me Again ~ just added Your Button to My Blog....

  93. I just found your blog for the first time today and I'm so impressed! I am a follower and appreciate the chance to win this fantastic and gorgeous giveaway!

  94. Thanks for letting me know about your beautiful giveaway! No surprises that your blog is growing since it's wonderful!

  95. I totally love this give away and your blog! Thank you for a chance to win!

  96. I'm a brand new follower! I'm happy to have found you and am excited to look around your blog. Your giveaway is wonderful!

  97. New follower! I love these linky parties, it's the best way to find new friends. The giveaway is a bonus!

  98. This is the best giveaway ever! You are so generous Vick! I LOVE the milk crate and what you've done with it!! xoxo, Kelley

  99. I'm a new follower, cool blog! Found you thru Funky Junk link party.

  100. Hi Vicki! I was at Anne's Fiona and Twig and she was featuring you today and I wanted to pop in and say hello. You are so talented with your crafting and I love your pretties!!
    Hope you'll pop in to see me soon. I'm going to be a follower of yours.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  101. So pretty! I'm a new follower after finding you from FJI's blog.

  102. Hey there...just popped over from Anne' fun to see your decorations & your style! I love meeting new bloggers & finding out what they are about. Your giveaway is very generous & I would be thrilled to entered! Love your style & so glad Anne featured you today! Hope you arehaving a wonderful long weekedn with your family!!

  103. I am your newest follower! You have fabulous stuff!

  104. I'm already a follower so of course I HAVE to enter your giveaway! Whatever you do, it is always the best! I'm already picturing this crate in all its glory sitting on my table!

  105. I'm honored to give your holiday happening a shout out on my sidebar! Good luck to all (but especially me!).

  106. I'm a new follower but I'm enjoying 'catching up'! Love your ideas!

  107. Vicki, I'm very happy to meet you! I came over via Anne from Fiona & Twig. I will definitely tell my own followers about you and your giveaway and am adding your blog to my own list of favorites!
    I'll be back! In the meantime...I'll spend some time here right now looking around. The peek Anne gave us was wonderful!!

  108. Found you thru Fiona and Twig! I'm a new follower :-)

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  109. AND I just put your giveaway button on my sidebar :-)

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  110. I'm a new follower. What a lovely give away. I'd be honored to win!

  111. You can find it on my side bar at

  112. Ooooh! What a great give-away, Vicki!!! Count me in!!!!

  113. oops. AND I'll post the give-away button on my blog!

  114. Great blog and great stuff! I hope to win this vintage goodness. Thanks!

  115. Lovely site you have and giveaway. I found you through Brenda's Cozy Little House site.
    Would love to be entered for a chance to win

  116. I am absolutely dazzled! I am new to your blog and am so happy to have found you. I've scrolled down to read more and love all your ideas and great style. I am your newest follower!
    Cindy :)

  117. Ohhhhhhh Vicki, this is wooooonderful!
    I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!

    Please drop my name in the hat for a chance to win this beautiful piece!
    I am so excited! I can think of so many places to display this in our new/old home!

    I am a new follower and am so glad to have found your blog!
    Smiles, Dolly

  118. Whoooohoooooo..... your wonderful give away is posted on my bloggy poo.

    Come and visit!

  119. Hi,,I'm a new follower. I love finding new blogs to visit. Im so glad I found yours today. I love the milk crate. Cant wait to look around your blog some. Thanks for the chance to win.

  120. Hello from a new follower; found you via Fiona & Twig. The milk crate is fabulous, love the re-do.

  121. I added your button to my side bar as well!
    You see I really really wanna win! :-)

    Merry Christmas, Dolly

  122. I thought I was a follower but I found out that I wasn't. Now I am!!!


  123. I will post your giveaway to my blog's sidebar!

    Happy Holidays

  124. What a wonderful giveaway Vicki! I'm a follower of your beautiful blog :-)

  125. I just found your gorgeous blog through Fiona & Fig. I am absolutely in love with your mason jar ornaments...your creativity is just amazing. Didn't know you were having a giveaway...thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift. Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog and will be signing up as a follower:)

  126. That is darling. Love it.
    I am a new follower.
    Cheri from

  127. this is so beautiful:) i'd love to have it on my front porch!

    i'm a new follower; dolly sent me over!

  128. Brand new Rusty Rooster reader! Your repurposing of vintage lovelies are amazing,I'd love to see this on my front porch when the carollers come singing!

  129. I am a new follower! Came from Tattered and Timeless. Love the coffee beans Ann

  130. I'm a follower... how beautiful... a wonderful Christmas decoration ... thanks

    debbebennett at yahoo dot com

  131. hi
    my first visit and i am now a follower. love your blog and will be here often. have a fabulous holiday season. i will post you to my blog....
    hugs and more,

  132. I'm a new follower. Found your blog via Fiona and Twig blog. Love your blog!! Please enter me for a chance to win this beautiful creation! Thanks and have a great day!

  133. I love it. And, I am an existing follower.

  134. Hi Vicki....

    You never cease to amaze me with the beauty of your items and blog.....Your giveaway is sensational.....

    Take care,

  135. I am a new follower and love your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!
    Love your post on Renningers too. We missed the November show but plan to be there in January.

  136. I just discovered your blog and love it. I'll be back and as a follower.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Mary L

  137. I am a new follower. Thanks for all the inspiration.


  138. Oh, wow. What a beautiful job you did with that crate. I've looked for one for years and never found one. I would love to win it. Thank you for the chance.

  139. Vicki,
    Okay, this project makes me smile & cry. I'm smiling because it's so clever & looks great for the holidays. (I can just see it on my front door..hint...hint) But I'm a little bummed because I had an old milk basket for ages & just couldn't figure anything cool out to do with it. So I finally sold it at a garage sale. Oh well. Maybe I'll win this one, LOL It could happen-right? I'll make sure I'm a follower right now. Lisa

  140. Wow! Beautiful and such a gracious giveaway. I'll be posting about this on my blog as well. Thanks so much! Angie

  141. I've linked to the giveaway on my blog - Thanks again!!

  142. What a spectacular gift!

    I'm happy to be a follower, thanks!

  143. I added your button to my sidebar. Thanks for offering such a lovely giveaway. La

  144. What a gorgeous creation Vicki!!! I would LOVE to be entered in to are a sweetheart for offering this treasure. Don't you just love blogging? So many precious friends are here ~ and now I'm a follower! hugs and love, Dawn

  145. Hi Vicki~
    Oh, thank you for the chance to enter your contest. Keeping my fingers crossed...miracles do happen, especially this time of year!
    xo Jeanette

  146. I'm a new follower...I don't know how I've missed you so far!!

  147. WOW oh WOW.... I am following now.... this centerpiece is a masterpiece! take care

  148. That is SOOOO lovely. fingers crossed

  149. new follower. thanks for the chance.

  150. I'm definitely a follower now.
    What a lovely blog you have, so beautiful and filled with inspiration.
    cari B.

  151. I'm a new follower...and I love your blog! Would be thrilled to win! Thanks! And I'm enjoying your photos! Hugs! Diane ♥

  152. I am a new follower and new to blogland. I love all things vintage and would love to be in your giveaway. Check me out sometime. Terry

  153. Just found your blog through Karen Valentine's blog. Thank you for the chance to win your giveway.

  154. Blogged earlier this morning about your giveaway. Sure enjoying your blog!

  155. I am already a follower and would faint if I won your giveaway!!! That is gorgeous!

  156. And I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.

  157. Love your blog...and this fabulous milk crate! Count me in as a follower:)

  158. P.S. Just added your giveaway button to my blog sidebar:)

  159. Thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway! I'm a follower now & I look forward to visiting your sweet blog often :-)

  160. I am a new follower. I just love old milk crates.

  161. I'm a new follower and so glad I found your blog. What a simply elegant holiday centerpiece. Thanks for the chance to win it.
    marguerito at comcast dot net

  162. I just discovered your blog and I love it. I became a follower and posted your candy on my site. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize, it is gorgeous

  163. I'm a new follower. Love your style!

  164. Hi Vicki, I'm your newest follower, I'm so glad that I found you blog, I just love it... and what a wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much for a chance to win!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  165. I'm going to try and add your giveaway button to my sidebar, I've been having a lot of trouble doing that lately, I will let you know if it works!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  166. I'm a new GFC follower(Jennifer). I'm so happy I found your blog! I'm going to be coming back to do a lot of reading!
    jryder416 at yahoo dot com

  167. I am most definitely a new follower and can hardly wait to look through everything. Very, very cool!

  168. I just posted a link to you on my blog. You can find it here. I'm inspired. :o)

  169. I'm an existing follower! What a beautiful centerpiece this is!
    Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  170. I am a new follower and thankful to have found your blog! I love love love your taste - exactly like mine!

  171. I'm a new follower - I love your milk crate idea!

  172. I have been a follower for a little over a month and it is so inspiring!! Thanks for sharing!

  173. I posted your button on my site!! i hope you will take a peek at my blog - I have some great things to come on it!

  174. I love old things and this right up my alley! I am a follower now! This would be perfect on my front stoop. I will be looking for one if I don't win. THanks for the inspiration.
    Pam N.

  175. So generous! I adore it.Love those old carriers.Enter me for sure.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  176. I'll share on my blog sidebar.Warm blessings!~Amy

  177. Please, oh please enter me in your awesome giveaway. I am a Primitive Lady and your wonderful designers touch with the canning jars and crate is just too perfect for words. I have just the place for it. How I have missed your blog is besides me as I can see from your followers that there are so many familiar faces. I will be visiting often and I am following you now too. I will also post this on my blog.
    Thank you for sharing your creative talents in this giveaway.

  178. Oh my what a great blog and giveaway. Ann from Fiona and Twig sent me, and I am enjoying my visit very much!

  179. Vickie - I just stumbled upon your blog......OMG I love it, I definitely will be a follower, count me in on your giveaway. Thanks for the great inspirations. Angela (
