Tuesday, November 23, 2010

White Wednesday from Renningers

Hello, my friends! Are you tired of pics from my trip to Renningers? lol  I know we have not even made it to my purchases yet! They are coming and so is the giveaway post. If you missed the other pics see my previous two posts for more vintage goodies and junk!  I snapped photos all day Saturday. Here are a few of my favorite whites for one of my favorite blog parties of the week  Whte Wednesday at Faded Charm.  Please stop by and browse the links for some great inspiration. I hear there is quite a bit of snow there!
I thought this little tray was sweet.  Wait, is that a scary clown on the TV? I still like her anyway!
This vendor had two giant tents full of vintage chandeliers. This chandy in particular was really amazing with all those tear drop crystals. 
Someone needs to buy this little sweeper and alter it with lace and bling!
Hmm...Did they run out of paint? Drawer broke and they found this one? (insert head scratch). That's okay. The gal who purchased her is going to strip it and paint it white and chippy.
Love these but managed to show some constraint. My cart was full!
I love ceiling tins. This vendor had some church tins too. But, the booth was so crowded! I saw something shiny over "there" wandered off and never made it back!  Thanks so much for stopping by. Your comments and follows mean so much. I have two great posts planned for the weekend. I'll finally share my purchases with you, and I will share my giveaway with you. Have a great day friends!  ((Hugs))


  1. I love the tv tray, am with you on the whole clown thing though(shivers). I want some ceiling tiles, but can never find any :( I often tell my husband that we ladies are like raccoons. We something shiny and off we go, lol! Not sick of these pics, bring it on!

  2. Great pictures. Love the ceiling tins. I have some of my own that I really love.

    Thanks for stopping by my place. God bless.

  3. Oh My, Some more goodies from that great flea market! The chandilers look very pretty. Have a great Thanksgiving....Julian

  4. love all your pictures!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!
    best regards,

  5. I love it keep it coming!!
    Why can't I find drawers like that, my studio is screaming for some right now.
    can't wait to see more

  6. Love that piece with all the little drawers and that chandy. Happy WW!


  7. Oh great, I'm drooling again! I want the chandelier for my dining room. Oh and I would like a tile ceiling to go with that, please...I cannot wait till this weekend for more pics! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I never get tired of seeing great stuff!

  9. I just love it all, especially that gorgeous chandelier!!! Can't wait to see your treasures. Blessings~~~ Daphne

  10. So fun!!! Great finds girl.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

    barbara jean

  11. Thanks for stopping by! I know this week is busy. My giveaway post is Friday. Just a little hint!

  12. Not tired of the photos at all! That drawer thing is very interesting. I don't know what it's called, but I love the wainscotting look on the side. And of course all the drawers. Imagine what you could do with all those drawers.

  13. Okay all I have to say is that you need to take a big truck and trailer next time because how you made it out of there without all the stuff you have shown us is beyond me.
    Keep the pictures coming.

  14. Wow...
    really great finds Vicki, thanks for sharing especially for those of us that didn't go!:) I love my vintage buttons!:) Can't wait to see what you purchased!! ♥

  15. Those are all really great finds Vicki! Love the chandy and the ceiling tins.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Love the eye candy any day of the week! I wonder what our frontier folk women would have thought of us altering their brooms?

  17. Fun finds, I would have stuffed those posts in my pack anyway! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. OMG love the give away. It is a work of art. The Renegers pictures make me so sorry I missed it :(

  19. Hi Vicki, Looks like it was a great show...lots of fab stuff!!! But I'm still wiping the drool over all the Christmas stuff (since I'm a Christmas freak!)in your last post!! Can't wait to see what you brought home with you!! Smiles, Julie

  20. Hi Vicki Nice to meet You Too!!! I am actually from PG county in MD born DC but grew up in Hyattsville Funny we are junkers from the same state and living else where! I am having a blast exploring your wonderful blog! Thank you for visiting my blog and hope to share more love of rusty, chippy wonderful junk for a long time to come!
