Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pottery Barn wall cubby goes Xmas

This is where I put all those vintage smalls I've been hoarding collecting! I love this little PB wall cubby. It was meant for an office but ours hangs in the kitchen over a wine rack. This way I get to display and enjoy different vintage finds, kids projects, etc.  I've had a lot of fun with this since it was purchased this summer.  
It has 25 cubbies, so you could even make it an advent calendar (insert squeal here).  That is, of course, only if your (meaning mine) daughter is not extremely fond of the one you (that would be me) made several years ago out of a cookie sheet (yup, we all did) that is not so much your style anymore but she has deemed it a family heirloom.  lol  So, maybe next year it will be my advent calendar. I picture vintage bottles with numbers or little take out boxes with lace and vintage jewelry pieces...can you tell I've been thinking about this?  Maybe next year....Hey, do you see my vintage car horn at the top? She's in great shape and still HONKS really loud. I got her for $15 at a local antique store. I love it.  The vintage clipboard is a favorite too. I print different images on dictionary pages or sheet music, depending on the holiday. Double click to enlarge the photos.
There are so many of my favorite little treasures and hand made items in here. I have some older pics of the kids on Santa's lap, vintage Christmas Avon bottles, vintage ornaments, tags sitting in flower frogs and some small assemblages like this little elf on a spool from my friend Kim's Etsy store Birdseye View.  I have a few of my vintage recipe cards in here too.
I hope you enjoyed your visit today. It was so nice to have you stop by. I love your comments and appreciate your follows.  Stop by these great parties! I'm linking up! -


  1. yep, got it to but mine stays the same all year round filled with my treasures, my husband got it for me last mother's day. I love the idea to change it up.

  2. Hello Vicki, oooh I love your little treasure cubby!... everything fits so perfect in there, I would love one for all of my little smalls... and how fun that you can change it for the different holidays and seasons... little bits and bobs of lace and vintage buttons sounds darling... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. Your cubby display is so festive, Vicki! I love your friend's etsy shop, I just checked it out! Those little elves are darling! What a fun way to display all of your treasures! I also love how you added the sheet music to the inside as well!

  4. it's beautiful! j'adore! do they still them???

  5. We drove to Dallas yesterday and went to Pottery Barn. I stood for some time just staring at that and pondering what I would put in it if I had one. I love what you've done!

  6. 25 cubbys? That is too cool that you have that kind of individual space but can make it look so cohesive!

  7. They do still make them, and they come in white too.

  8. I'd love to have the space for one of lucky you are! It is perfect for just about any collection you have or want to make! Gorgeous, Vicki! :-)


  9. I love shelves like this. It is so versatile. I love how you did yours for Christmas.


  10. What a great cubby! So many ways to use it. Love the idea of the advent calendar, great ideas for it! Thanks so much for linking up with VIF!!

  11. I have one too...only mine is not PB..a cheaper version! I use it on my sewing table to hold all the needed supplies! Love what you did with yours!
    I poste pics of my cookie cuttter ornaments on my recent go take a look...I loved making those...
    Happy Friday
    Tammy :-)

  12. I love your cubby shelf! You're right, it would be perfect for an advent calendar! I love everything you put on the shelf, now I want one of these cubby shelves too!:D
    Have a great Friday, girl!

  13. Vicky that is really a neat cubby...I love all the holiday decor displayed like that.

  14. I love little curio like this! Tiny nooks for
    wee treasures; Clustered together, one's eyes are drawn towards it. My Mom has one, still fascinates my daughter. We put one in her room; It is fun to collect and rearrange these little reminders of glee! She is a teen now and it has been moved, but I so loved the wooden Fischer Price people, tiny dolls and their furniture! I'm going to go find it! ;-D lol

  15. Who said you couldn't have two calendars...just saying! Love the idea.

  16. I love all your Christmas treasures displayed in the cubby! The pictures of the kids on Santa's lap are an extra sweet touch! I have not given up hope of finding wall space for my very own cubby...hopefully before they stop making them!!

  17. I love your decorated shelves! Little tiny touches of joy.

  18. What a great idea, I have what I call a "Jenn Wall" in my office for all of my little treasures. Reduces the spread-all-over-the-house clutter look but you still get to have them visible - awesome!
    ~Have a great weekend~

  19. Love the shelves. My daughter has this same thing. She is having fun adding to it every day and I am having fun making a few items for her.
    Happy Holidays.

  20. Vicki I love what you did with your cubby shelf! You are so creative with your finds. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us all.

    Have a wonderful day,

  21. Hi Vicki...loving how you display your little collectibles! So many possibilities!

  22. You know how much I love that wall cubby!!! It looks so cute all dolled up for Christmas Vicki, I love that you have my little elf spool and tags in there!:)Can't wait to see it up close!!:) xo

  23. Awww, love that little elf sitting on the spool of thread. What a great idea to use the shelf as an Advent calendar. Merry Christmas!

  24. Hi Vicki, What a fun piece!! It looks great and all those little cubbies would be so fun to fill :-))
    Thanks for stopping by :-) Have a fantastic weekend!

  25. Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so jealous of your Pottery Barn cubbies. The advent calendar idea sounds like lots of fun.

  26. Hey- love it. And I think an advent calendar for you next year would be so much fun. Wouldn't that be a cool swap to get 25 people to make 25 of the same things and put them in little chinese food cartons with a day number on them. Then we'd all open them together and share the love?
    Anyway love the shelf.
    Question- what software do you use to do your pictures? I like the frame that goes around them when they are in your posts. It sort of grounds them - unlike mine that seem to float there :)

  27. Tammy (and friends) - I use to edit all my photos. It is a blogger's best friend. Sign up, grab a photo and play. You'll be hooked!

  28. I love this! Suzan over at oldgreymare posted about hers too! They look authentically vintage, and I love that it could be am advent calender! Love the horn! Theresa xoxo

  29. What a great cubby, Vicki! So many fun uses...and I love your advent calendar idea!

  30. Hello
    What a great display piece and love the advent idea...everything looks so festive

  31. Hi Vicki, I clicked on here yesterday and forgot to leave a comment after something pulled me away. Probably the darn phone ringing. I love this cubby box. What a great way to display favorite treasures. Hope you have a great weekend.

  32. We collectors need a PB cabinet like is a necessity! Thank you for stopping by with your kind comments. Happy holidays!

  33. What a perfect way to display little decorative objects. And the advent idea is super! Thank you for visiting me and leaving such a nice comment.(-:

  34. Hi there Vicki~ what a charming wall cubby!! Love something with little spots for all the smalls and bits-yours looks adorable and using it for Advent is such a great idea too!! Thanks for sharing this at my party! :)

  35. This is precious--and even more special filled with such special pieces--I love it!!!

  36. Hi,
    I love your PB cubby, it is super cute and so useful looking. We all need one of those. I like the way you have filled it with vintage items, especially the horn! Love it~!
    Hugs, Cindy

  37. Ah..I see we have cousin cubbies. I have two side by side, because I just had too many little mementos to share.

    It's a blast to look for things to fit when I go out antiquing now...

    Merry merry!


