Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa box and treasures

This is one of my daughter's treasures.  We call it the Santa box. I am quite sure we'll be talking about the Santa box when she is grown and has children of her own.  She loves it that much (smile).  From an artistic standpoint, the Santa box is just an altered box. A little paint, a little scrapbook paper...voila.  It was just a fun afternoon project a few years ago. I had no idea at the time I was making this, just how important this little box would become.  It sits here with some other handmade items in the kitchen.
You see, Santa still comes to our house.  Over the years, the old guy has left a few things here.  You know, he's getting older, he's in a hurry...One year he got a piece of his coat caught in the door. The next we found a button with some red thread still attached out on the front porch.  I'm guessing the Basset Hounds chased him out that year.  One year he even left his watch...
I'm guessing Florida must be one of his last stops and the old guy is just exhausted at this point because he seems to forget everything here!  How lucky for us though.  We've taken good care of his watch.  We even offered to return it one year, but he was kind enough to let us keep it.  It is a family treasure. I almost forgot...we also have a Santa key.  I bet many of you have these. Santa gave it to us when the kids were born.  We don't have a chimney, so this is how he gets in the door.  We leave it on the porch for him each year.  It's magical. You can see the button we've saved in this picture too.
So, the Santa box is very important.  It holds all of our treasures. We like to open it and look at it throughout the holiday season.  Our friends are amazed sometimes at our luck.  I can't wait for my kids to share these stories and treasures with their own children.  Do you have any special Christmas treasures?  I'd love to hear about them. You can even leave a link in your comment.  Have a blessed White Wednesday.  Come over to the party and see all the holiday whites! I'm also linking up to Friday Vignettes at Color Outside the Lines.


  1. That's such a wonderful idea, I love it! Sadly my kids have just recently left my nest so traditions are sort of in a holding pattern until the next generation. We used to be visited by an Elf every year but I love the Santa box.
    I stumbled upon your blog recently and am now a happy follower! I recently started my own, I would love it if you would stop by and possibly follow. I'm having a blast!
    Happy Holidays Vicki!

  2. This is the sweetest idea ever~ I can see why it is such a treasure! When I was a girl, my mother made a Santa apron~ a big pieced and embroidered Santa face with a white pompom on the hat. It's my special treasure...I'll have to share it on a post!

  3. What a wonderful idea! Perfect to pass on to my grandbabies parents!

    Thank you for sharing it!

  4. Truly special and beautiful and what a wonderful tradition to hand down.

  5. We had a Christmas mailbox sitting under the tree in the livingroom. Every morning during the month of December we would check it to see what Santa left. Every night we would leave Santa something in return. A thank you note, cookies, pictures, etc. Once Santa left a little note in the mailbox that said "Believe."

  6. Sweet post Vicki! I love the box! and the button with the red thread...clever!
    Tammy :-)

  7. This is just precious! What a great mom you are - brought a tear to my eye.

    Jane in Ocoee

  8. I am sure she will treasure that beautiful box all her life.

  9. That is the sweetest idea! Your daughter is going to have such great Christmas memories. Good job Mom! I wish I would've thought of that when my children were little. Maybe I'll have to make them for my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing.
    Susan : )

  10. I love that!! What sweet memories!

  11. Oh how wonderful.... I might have to have a "santa key" at my house, what a great idea. Your home and blog is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!!!
    Heather H

  12. What precious memories your kids are going to have! This is SO sweet!


  13. What a wonderful, memorable idea, Vicki! It'll be something that your kids will remember when they grow up and have kids of their own. You've continued a very special tradition! I just love it. :) The idea of Santa getting his coat caught in the door and leaving a button or thread was so darned cute!

    xoxo laurie

  14. That is the neatest sweetest story I have heard of this wonderful tradition you started. Such a cute idea!

  15. Beautiful post Vicky and a wonderful tradition! I love it.

    Have a wonderful evening,

  16. That is such a cool idea! I love it Vicki!

  17. This is far beyond a wonderful idea. Too late to do for my kids, maybe hopefully grandkids some day?

    Just love it.


  18. lovely idea. my daughter is 17 but i have just the perfect box. every christmas we add another book to our growing selection of christmas stories. we start reading on december 1st. we have so many that some night we read two.

  19. Hi Vicki... oooh, I love your story of the Santa Box and all of the precious things it holds, also the precious memories there as well... Christmas is such a magical time of year and it sounds like especially so at your home... your little ones will never, ever forget these things... now, I want to make a Santa box for Jack and I... and hope that Santa "forgets" some little things at our home too... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie (see, the simple things in life really are the most precious of all!)...

  20. Aww, it is absolutely precious, Vicki!!!

  21. I love your Santa box! I remember when you bought the box...there was almost a wrestling match in the aisle for it I think. LOL! ;-) I'm with your other might be too late for my kids...but I could make it and have it at the ready for my grandkids waaaaayyy down the road!
