Thursday, December 30, 2010

Treasured blog wins and gifts from my new friends in 2010

Hello, friends! I hope you are enjoying this time of year. I've been reflecting on my experience so far in blog land.  It never ceases to amaze me how generous everyone is here.  Whether it is constantly sharing your creative spirit or leaving encouraging comments, the support and friendship that I have experienced has been overwhelming at times.  THANK YOU!  I also have enjoyed the playful aspect of blogging, including the giveaways. I need to share some very talented ladies with you that I was so blessed to have won original pieces of art from this year.  First up - Cindy at Lilly's Lace who created this incredible altered belt buckle above in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.
Is this not the most gorgeous piece of art?  It is hanging in my little studio to remind me about my self exams and to pray for those in treatment.  I hope you will visit Lilly's blog and tell her that I sent you. She is very talented and shares the best vintage wedding photos with poems. She's very witty! Thank you Cindy for sharing a piece of yourself with us all this year and for honoring this important cause. I love the belt buckle and all the goodies you included in my giveaway.
Next up is Marilyn at Willow and Figs.  I won this gorgeous altered journal in one of her Tuesday Treasure Giveaways!  Included in the giveaway were some of Marilyn's signature handmade cards like this one which is my favorite!
You are in luck too! Marilyn has two Etsy shops! One is for her artwork Marander Studios.  I found this lovely mixed media French wall hanging and purse there -

She has also opened another Etsy shop for her handmade cards.  That one is "on vacation" at the moment. I'm sure if you follow Willow and Figs, she'll let you know when she's open for business again after the holidays.
This beautiful crystal bracelet arrived with a Christmas card from my friend Cindy at Cindy Adkins Whimsical Musings.  There are not too many days that go by that I don't chat briefly with Cindy or check her blog. She is constantly creating for her  Etsy shop and inspiring us all by sharing her work on her blog.  Here are a few favorite items that are available right now in her shop too!

Aren't these gorgeous? I know many of my followers already know Cindy. She just recently added this inspiration kit above to her shop.  Many of us have been busy over the holidays. I wanted to make sure you saw this treasure trove of goodies!

Thank you to all three of these talented ladies. This is long overdue!  I hope you don't mind that I used pictures from your blogs and shops today! I admire each of you and thank you for sharing your talents with us.  I hope all my blog friends have a safe holiday weekend and wish you many blessings in the new year! Linking this post to White Wednesday this week.


  1. What beautiful things you have! How wonderful it is to receive sweet gifts from friends all over! :)

  2. These are all so gorgeous!! I love Etsy finds! Off to check out these talented girls now!

    Happy Thursday Darling! xo

    Oh, and I'm having a perfume giveaway if you're interested!

  3. Hi Vicki,
    Oh gosh, this was so sweet of you!! I'm going to check out the other blogs--what amazing work!

  4. Oh Vicki, these are just such gorgeous creations. Thank you for sharing them, I will definitely have to check these blogs and etsys out. I am just new to blogging and am already feeling inspired:)

  5. You have some wonderful wins...isn't it exciting to get them in the mail? These are very talented girls. I'm off to visit their shops!

    Happy New Year, Vicki!


  6. all so beautiful and all from kind-hearted women and kindred spirits. we are all so blessed to have developed these friendships because of our love of creativity and this connection we share as bloggers. happy new year new-found friend!

  7. Wow all of these are fabulous!!! That altered belt buckle is unbelievable, you may not want to leave me alone in the room with that, it may not be there when you return!!!:) LOL, it looks like there is a little ballerina in there, so pretty!! I love Cindy Adkins work, I'm a fan of her shop on Etsy too!! thanks for sharing!!! ♥

  8. What fabulous treasures you have received! I too have been reflecting upon my experiences since beginning the Blogland adventure in July... I'm LOVING every minutes of it. The exposure to wonderful people and the sharing of ideas, creative energy and lovelies has been so enriching.

    Happy New Year... Dawn... The Bohemian

  9. Happy New Year, Vicki!
    Thanks for showing us the GORGEOUS belt buckle-it's a good reminder for me to schedule my mammo after the first of the year!

  10. I'm so glad to have found you this year! Every time I look out the French doors, I am reminded of you! (Thanks again.) I'm immensely glad to have blog friends, they are the best. I'll be waiting to see that room, ya know! Happy New Year!

  11. You received some wonderful goodies, Vicki! How fun! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  12. Vicki,
    You have gotten some wonderful treasures! I will check out their blogs. Hope you had a merry holiday season and are having a fun and relaxing New Year's day! Will be back to visit soon!

  13. Your blog is lovely! Good luck with your fabulous new studio! Have a warm, cozy and safe New Year!
    Take Care,

  14. Happy New Year Vicki. Congrats on starting your craft room. I know you will do even more wonderful things in there this year. You certainly received some lovely gifts. I don't know the first two but Cindy is a wonderful blogging buddy. Wishing you all the best in the year to come. Blessings of peace, joy and love. Tammy

  15. Hi. I just posted a similar post.
    Happy New Year!
    ~ Julie

  16. Hi Vicki,
    I just popped over to say "hi" and hope you're having fun setting up your craft room...We got the tree down yesterday and got all the Mardi Gras decorations up! Also, I'm having a giveaway on my blog and wanted to let you know about it!!
