Monday, January 3, 2011

New studio - furniture is in!

Hello, my friends! I hope you had a Happy New Year. We were highly productive around the coop this weekend.  As I revealed in a previous post, my sweet husband agreed to let me convert our living room into my studio. I've been very nervous about the conversion since this is the room you see first (straight ahead) as you enter our front door.  We decided to wait and do this when we knew we could put the whole room together at one time. It is not a great spot in our house to leave in transition.  So, after saving and accumulating things in storage, this was the weekend!  We put away the Christmas decor, donated some furniture and started unpacking! Forgive these pictures please - no lights in this room yet and took these very early before work.
This room has some great bones now! Still in transition and in need of decorating but good enough for now.
I can't wait to fill the shelves with my vintage supplies and small collections to warm it up.  I have a closet full of printer's drawers, glass jars, silver platters, large name it, that I have been anxious to display and use.  This rooster weathervane is a great example! Isn't he cute? I just need to paint him a nice rusty brown so you can see him with these toasted almond walls.

My vintage cameras have been scattered all over the house previously, but I think they will look great here grouped together.  I'm sure I'll add some books or lace for them to perch on at some point. Do you think that is a good idea? Maybe some vintage paper in the back? I'd love to hear your ideas. I really just stuck them in here last night before going to bed. It was a long day of moving and assembling furniture. No time to feather this nest yet!

I'm looking forward to decorating and organizing. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of the transformation.  More to come!  I will be changing things on the walls and replacing the console table on the right. You'll see! I've been searching blogs and checking out studios for ideas. I have some favorites and will share them with you this week. Great eye candy and certainly some terrific ideas to stash away.  Have a great week! Linking up to Transformation Thursday.


  1. You've just gotten started and it already looks fabulous! I love the rich colors. Can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I shall sit here writhing in envy over you owning the same project table I've had on various wish lists for years now. After that, though, I might suggest augmenting the camera displays with vintage photos in addition to the other ideas you had. Those little cubbies just seem to cry out for sepia tones. :)

  3. Hi Vicki, this is wonderful. Can't wait to see the transformation. Have fun with it!

  4. It is looking great! You are going to create such gorgeousness in there! Happy New Year! Theresa xoxo

  5. Looks terrific, and you know I love that rooster! Try the RustOleum paint that I use(Autumn Brown-has texture like rust, but is dark), I love it!!!! Love your cameras!

  6. Looks beautiful
    you are brave to have a studio out for people to see. mine definitely needs a door and tucked away to hide the messes I create. LOL
    Can't wait to see more.

  7. Oh lucky you!!! I think it looks great already...have fun "fluffing" it up :) Happy New Year! Laurel

  8. I love it, Vicki! You were busy girl! Love your camera collection. I definitely couldn't have my craft room out in the open either. But I sure admire women who can.

    Have a great week and thank you for sharing your beautiful room.


  9. Vicki is is beautiful! What a wonderful place to create! Love the cameras there, maybe you can add pops of lace around a couple of them. Can't wait to see more! Have fun!!

  10. G'day Vici ~ Oh, what fun, to decorate ... anxious to see where you go with it all.

    Pop over for our lovely CSN GIVEAWAY!

    Have a beautiful New Year ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  11. How exciting for you! Can't wait to see the big's looking good.

    Have a wonderful day,

  12. It looks beautiful already!

    I am sure you are over the top excited!


  13. It looks great! The camera collection is awesome. Personally I would put a few old photos on the shelfs too. You know the ones you see in antique stores with the scalloped edges or the ones in the cardboard frames. But you are so great at arranging things I'm sure you'll fluff it up nicely!

  14. How exciting. I'm sure it was worth the wait.
    I can't wait to see it when it's all decked out.
    Happy New Years.
    Cari B.

  15. How exciting!!!!
    Those vintage cameras look amazing there, too.

    So happy for you! :-)

  16. I had to visit the blog to see if you had it put together...and you do! It looks AMAZING! Everything fits in there so nicely. I agree with a previous already looks great...but I know you will have more to surprise us with. Can't wait to visit the finished studio in person!

  17. Oh wow! It is looking beautiful Vicki and I love seeing your cameras on display like that. Can't wait to see what you have in store for this space!

  18. You are off to a great start and those cameras look fabulous!!!

  19. you are off to a great start!

  20. Looks so AWESOME Vic as I knew it would, can't wait to see it in person!:) Your vintage cameras look perfect in the little shelves, and yes I can see them stacked on some books and photos or vintage papers behind them. I know you will fill your studio with wonderful treasures!!! ♥

  21. Love the shelves and those wonderful old cameras. I wish I had my dad's old cameras that I remember him using when I was very young. Can't wait to see the transformation. I know you will enjoy working on it.

  22. Very exciting. Who says a living room has to look like a "living room". A studio is much more productive and inspiring. Happy room to you...

  23. This will be a wonderful studio, Vicki! Love the vintage cameras!

  24. Oh, I love it! Don't ya love it? You're going to be so happy in this room. Your girlfriends gathered round, crafting with you!

  25. Wow!!!! How exciting is this? Now we can all live vicariously while you redo your room. I can't wait to see what you do with everything!!!

  26. Hi, Vicki! It looks great already! Can't wait to see it as it evolves ;)

  27. Hey Vicki! LOVE THIS! Cant wait to see whats next...You have GOT TO link this up at my Whassup Linky!!! Its BEAUTIFUL! And you know you and I share a LOVE of the Roosters! Link this beauty UP :)


