Friday, January 7, 2011

Becky Shander Feature and Giveaway!

One of my absolute favorite artists and people is having a giveaway...Becky Shander..I've been wanting to ask my blog friends if you know Becky. It is a bit silly for me to call this a feature since Becky is a published artist. But, I wanted to feature her as one of my favorite sources of inspiration. If you read any of the Stampington publications, you probably have seen Becky's work.  To me it is very distinct and easily recognizable. Whether she is making collage or jewelry, Becky has an uncanny ability to take everyday objects and materials and convert them to art. She loves nature, natural materials and her favorite muse would have to be birds.
This adorable felted bird and the necklaces above are included in a giveaway happening on her blog right now.  To enter to win these items, you just need to visit and leave a comment. I hope you will tell her that I sent you.  But wait, before you go, let me show you a few more pieces of her fabulous work. All pictures on this post are Becky's own and from her site - thank you for letting me use them Becky!

In the two years that I have been following Becky, I have seen her use wax paper, cereal box liners, used dryer sheets and cotton batting in her projects.  She sees beauty and potential in everything around her. She is a constant reminder to me to use what I have and what I can find as part of my creative process.  

Hey, is going to be a really tough sell here if you try to tell someone that birds are not your favorite muse! lol  But, in your defense you do have plenty of other great projects, like these -

 Aren't these projects beautiful?  I love how she uses earth tones with a pop of color. The natural colors and materials give everything she makes a simple elegance. I hope you will visit Becky and put your name in the hat for the giveaway.  Not only is she immensely talented, but she truly is one of the most positive and kind creative souls that I have met in blog land. Hugs!


  1. oooooooh, i know her well and have adored her work for a while now. as a mater of fact, i first found out about her at one of my most favorite shops to visit here in Massachusetts called "Nesting On Main" where she sold/sells some of her creations. The owners told me more about her and then i visited her blog and have seen her countless times in Stampington. I also once was at Nesting when she just happened to be there shopping with a friend! I never introduced myself but i regret now that i didn't! I will head over there now to have a look. TFS!

  2. Vicki, I am're way too kind with your sweet words. Thank you SO much for this most wonderful post...really.

  3. Me again...I forgot to say hi to Michelle. I hope that the next time our paths cross at Nesting or somewhere else, please say hi...I'd love to meet you.

  4. i most certainly will becky! merci..merci! melinda and wendi always rave about you!

  5. I am headed over now as I am really liking what I am seeing here. Thank you for sharing Becky. Happy weekend...

  6. just left a comment on Becky's blog and am praying I win that adorable felt bird spool, you know how much I LOVE birds, her pieces are AMAZING!!!! thanks for sharing Vic! ♥

  7. fun post, and always nice to meet someone new. I'm heading over there now.
    (of course you know I will like her. Anyone who likes birds is a friend of mine.) =)

    big hugs and blessings
    Barbara jean

  8. Becky is one of my very favorite artists! I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything she creates!!
    again...great minds think alike...
    Tammy :-)

  9. Hi Vicki,
    Thanks for the heads up on Becky's giveaway! I just visited her for the first time and love her work. She is very talented, just like you! Have a great weekend!

  10. These projects are very beautiful! I'm heading over to her blog right now :)

  11. I love the idea of using cereal paper etc. in craftwork. Clever.
    Thanks for telling us about this giveaway. The prizes are beautiful. xx

  12. Hello Vicki
    Thank you for Sharing the Link to Becky! Her Work is Absolutely Beautiful and Inspired! I can see why you Adore her!
    Have a Wonderful Weekend

  13. Oh my, what a talented artist! I am always amazed at anyone who can take bits and pieces and make something beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow she is one talented lady, I will have to check her out... love the felted jewelry and you really can't go wrong with birds.
    Blessings to you this new year

  15. I have admired her work through Stampington for quite a while now...your right she is amazing! Thanks for the heads up about the give away, I'm heading over there right now! Theresa xoxo

  16. Hey girl
    Thanks for leaving a comment about my pin cushions.
    I do make them to sell. Have only 1 candlestick right now that will hold buttons inside base. Let me know if interested. =)

    big hugs


  17. Beautiful work.... Thanks for sharing, I'm headed over there right now!!!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  18. Hi. Nice post. I'm off to meet your friend.
    ~ Julie

  19. Hi Vickie,
    I also love Becky's work, the quiet, calm beauty with punches of color or a sweet sentiment. She is truly gifted and is as sweet as she is talented~ I say these words a lot, simple elegance, when I see her work~

    Good Luck to everyone who enters!

  20. Beautiful work, thanks for showing it to us Vicki:)
