Thursday, January 13, 2011

A little giveaway

My dear friend, Kim, lives down the street and loves to craft and thrift as much as I do. She has an Etsy shop called Birds Eye View.   I spotted this little cutie today in her shop and called Kim to tell her how darn cute I thought this little girl was with the jewel in her hat!

Kim's tags are embellished brown sacks with a cute little sentiment inside which is created on a shipping tag. She always reminds me that these are the perfect size for a gift card or a little love note!  I personally buy them to display about the house on holidays. I love the vintage playing cards she uses! Well, guess what? Kim was so happy that I liked her, that she decided to giveaway this little cutie to one of my readers! Isn't that sweet? Let's have some fun!  To win, just visit her shop and leave me a comment below letting me know which Valentine tag you like best. I'll pick a winner on Saturday at noon. Kim will ship you your little special next week.  Let's have a little fun this Friday! Take care everyone.  Thank you so much for visiting me during your busy day!


  1. Hi there, I love the Valentine with the red bird on. I've never seen Karen's work before, and I'm really impressed. Does she have a blog I can put on my 'favourites' list? Thank you so much for 'introducing' me to her and her work. Blessings

  2. Oh my gosh--they're all precious!!! I love the boy and girl and the cherub...I LOVE her tags!

    And I was crackin' up about the sunglasses...I always thought they looked so cool on you!!! It makes it look like you're always on the go--and you are! So it fits perfectly.

    Here's the funny part--on that middle pic of mine, I was trying to straighten my hair with my hand because it kept curling

    Have a great day!!!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing.My favorite has to be the"key to my heart".I have a stash of glittered keys in the basement waiting to be crafted up right now!

  4. I am difficult, can't decide between the little girl with the dog, the heart with the key or the little clown(which they normally freak me out-but this one is so darn cute in the black and white), but I think the clown wins out! Love them, how adorable!!!

  5. Oh I just love the one with the heart jello mold! It's the sweetest! Thanks for introducing us to her pretty shop!

  6. I'm torn between the clown and the donkey. On one hand...I can be a goofball, but on the other...I can be quite the a$$! (Did I just say that out loud?) Everyone of them are darling. Tell Kim she is a talent and also thank you for doing this.

  7. what a sweet shop and what sweet tags she creates. i especially love the "Key To My Heart" Valentine tag! TFS and please enter me to win one of these darlings!

  8. Added to my favorites in Etsy. And my fav tag is the Key to My Heart! Happy Friday Vicki!

  9. I guess if I had to pick one it would be key to my heart, although I liked the somebirdie loves you but I like the one you featured bestbut didn't see it in her shop. Thanks for the chance to win such a precious gift, I adore handmade items.....

  10. The are all so pretty! I like the Vintage Clown and Vintage Boy and His Dog Valentine Tag in a Bag.Sweet as can be! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. This is my lucky day! I found your blog (I'm following you now)and you're having a give~a~way! The vintage boy & girl tag is precious.


  12. I love the key to my heart valentine!

  13. The one with the red bird..someone loves you is my favorite! They are all very sweet! She's so talented! ♥

  14. What adorable Valentines! I love the Vintage Boy and Girl. So sweet, with him down on one knee! :)

  15. Cupid's my fav....but i love 'em all! guess its time to get out valentine decor? xoox

  16. Hands down the clown for me. They are all cute though.

  17. Hmm..this may be TMI, but since my hubby likes to call me "donkey butt", I'd have to say the the Donkey Valentine Tag. When I saw that, I cracked up! I'd hang it on my cork board, the red would match perfect with all my other little love inspirations!

    Thank You,

  18. just wanted to say Thank You everyone for all of your sweet comments about my Etsy shop and tags!!! I do not have a blog and just wanted to let you all know I made another one of these Vintage Girl tags that is now for sale in my shop, have a great weekend!!! :)

    thanks to my dear friend Vicki too who I adore!! xo ♥

  19. These are all so cute, but I think I like the little girl with the little button on her hat.

  20. Very cute and perfect for Valentine's Day!!!!!

  21. I love them all, but the KEY to my Heart is my pick! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Vicky

  22. I love the little girl on this tag! I'm not surprised thought b/c I'm already a big fan (and friend)of Kim's tags! She puts a lot of love into each and every one! My favorite in her shop is The Key to My Heart tag...but really I love them all! XOXO

  23. I like the "To the One I Love" tag!

  24. Too cute...they are all adorable, but I guess I am partial to the little girl on the one you those cheeks and the added embellishments! Have a great weekend, Laurel

  25. Phew! I think I made it over just in time! LOL I think both tags are so adorable. If I had to chose, I think I really like the one with the cute little girl on it. thanks for the chance to win! (your newest follower)

  26. And the winner by random number generator is...Linda at Itsy, Bits and Pieces...she's one of the luckiest people I know! I think she won a little giveaway from me earlier in the year! Congrats Linda. Kim will mail to you next week. Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments and follows. Always fun to do a little giveaway!

  27. Congrats to Linda!!!! I will package her up for you and mail out next week!:)

    Thank you ALL again for the lovely comments and for visiting me at Birds Eye View!! ♥

  28. I won't enter this one because I've already won a marvelous giveaway from you. Just wanted to check in and say hello!
