Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let there be light...and drapes!

We are getting there! This afternoon we had four recessed can lights and two pendant lights installed in my newly converted studio space...WOW! I can see in here! Took these pictures tonight with flash. Double click to enlarge. Now, I'll be able to finish a few projects and work on organizing and decorating more in the evenings. What a treat to finally have these installed, especially during daylight savings!  I love the glass pendants with their super cute chains. I also put out some vintage yardsticks. The left side of the room is done for now. Tomorrow, I start the right side. Remember this?
She's getting a coat of Rustoleum Autumn Brown tomorrow. It is a multi colored, textured spray paint. I did a test run today and loved it. It looks like rust! Thanks to Erin at Like Grandma's for sharing this wonderful paint in some terrific projects! You have me hooked. Speaking of hooks,  I bought some hooks to hang her too. So, I'll be patching my holes and hopefully have her up by tomorrow night. We'll see! 
Here's some fabric that I've picked for drapes in the studio and adjacent dining room. The best part about the drapes though is the trim!

(Insert squeal here!) The jacquard tape is going between the two solids. The drapes will flank the french doors in the studio and cover the full 12 ft of wall. They will just be panels and not able to close. The light color solid will be in top with the darker color from the door knobs down or so.  I can't wait!  The multi brush fringe will be used with the multicolor tapestry looking fabric and the brown tweed for my dining room.  The rooms are adjacent and open to each other so I needed the colors to compliment. I'm very excited to finally have some nice window coverings in both these rooms. The old palm tree can go once I have some fabric up to help warm up the room and more importantly give it some height.  Enjoying this labor of love. Still filling it with treasures.  How about you? What are you working on this weekend? I'd love to hear and see.  Leave me a comment. I love them!


  1. Wow your studio is fab! I love your pendant lights they are gorgeous! Your window treatments sound like they are gonna be a-mazing! I cant wait to see it. Have a great weekend.


  2. Looking that's one "COOL" old gate!!!!


  3. Vicki it is just turning out so beautiful! I love the pendant lights and can't wait to see the gate all done! The fabric that you choose is gorgeous and I can just feel your excitement! :) I am so glad that you are having so much fun with the project!!
    I am still working on my daughters bed! It is painted!! :)

  4. so fun to be working on your new studio.
    Will have to try that rusty paint. Probable much faster than all the time I take to rust my 'stuff' up. =)

    Look forward to seeing the gate done and up.


    barbara jean

  5. WOOHOO!!! I am so super stoked that you love the paint!!!!CLAP CLAP CLAP!!! I cannot wait to see how that gorgeous gate turns out:) Did I mention how glad I am you like the paint???Yeehaw! Rounding up some ideas this weekend...hmmm

  6. Your studio is looking wonderful, Vicki! Love the pendant lights and the drapes are going to be great, too! The paint sounds like it's going to be fun...looking forward to seeing all your projects!

  7. Can't wait to see the gate painted... somebody should just make a paint called... Rusty Patina! Ha!

  8. Everything looks WONDERFUL Vicki!!!! I love it all....and thank you so much for sharing the link and paint, how cool is THAT? Your studio is just gorgeous...boy, mine looks like a dump to me now!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  9. It looks like a wonderful place to work. I loved all of your vintage cameras displayed too!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  10. I'm feeling so excited for you. Closer and closer to your dream room. xx

  11. It's coming along so nicely, and it sounds like you're enjoying yourself too! You are beginning the new year with lots of energy! My current project is some cicada pillows in vintage fabrics and remnants!

  12. Beautiful!!! I LOVE the pendant lights, they look perfect! The drapery that you've picked out is really going to warm the space up! You must be so happy, can't wait for our first craft session together to break in your new studio!!! ♥

  13. Wow, your room is turning out so fabulously! Enjoy the rest of your nesting...I can tell you're super-excited about all the trimmings.

  14. Sweet! I love the fabric and all the color choices. Can't wait to see the end result. AND FYI, when I do get tired of that pictures, yes I know where to send it...but there is a long line! LOL Have a great day.

  15. I am jealous. I would love to have a pretty studio. Oh well I will just keep stopping by to drool over yours. I want to see that metal gate painted. Thanks for the tip that you are passing along about the paint. I have a few other projects that I could use it on.

  16. wow...your creative "haven" is really coming together so beautifully. it looks even better than your "inspiration" room! Truly....i am awestruck! You GO girl! :)

  17. Your pendant lights are fabulous! They really look great with the style of your room. And I am really loving that old gate...where are you going to hang it, in your studio? I can't wait to see it painted. And finally, I think the fabrics you have picked out are beautiful, they will really tie in the dining room! So far, so good! Loving it!


  18. Can't wait to see it all put together, especially the gate.

  19. Love how your studio is coming along, and I look forward to seeing the full reveal! Your fabric choices are beautiful, too! Have a great day, Becca

  20. Vicki your studio space is wonderful and everything looks great. Can't wait to see it come together. Good to know about the paint, thank you.

  21. It looks like your studio is really a wonderful place to create! Can't wait to see how the gate comes out!

  22. Hi Vicki, studio! I want to work's all looking so gorgeous!

    There lots of thrift stores here in the space coast area...I can email you a list if you like.


  23. It's looking WONDERFUL, Vicki!!!
    I know you're thrilled.
    You deserve this beautiful room!


  24. LOl! I can just hear you squealing, Vicki! lol! Your studio is looking so chic and elegant and cozy! And thanks for the tip on the new spray paint! Wayyyy cool!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  25. Hi Vickie- So exciting! The pendant lights look beautiful and the drapes are going to be amazing!! :)

  26. Hi Vicki,
    It is ALL sensational!!!! I love everything and know that you will be creating everything awesome from there, so now I can picture where you'll be when you weave your creative magic!!!
    Big (((hugs)))
    I know it's been ALOT of work--but you'll love it!!!

  27. Vicki, your room is coming along beautifully-watch out, Where Women Create!!!
    I couldn't help but think how amazing it will be to work in here....but that means it might be in a mess. A very nice place to be in a mess I think!!!

  28. My friend Vicki does not play games! When she says she is setting up a's GO time! :) Love the lights and the fabric and trims are gorgeous! I can't wait to see it all!
