Monday, January 17, 2011

Your opinion please on my quirky decor pieces

Did a little shopping at my favorite local antique store this weekend, Hidden Treasures, in Oviedo.  I was searching for something to place above the french doors in the studio.  I have plenty of small collections but the only large items were crates. I big puffy heart crates but they are a little big for up there, even standing on their sides. It's a small ledge. I found some very interesting pieces including this...twine or spool holder?
It is metal and stamped made in the USA.  The dealer had labeled it "industrial spool holder" and had placed it in a grouping with several vintage paper cutters. It just needs one more spool of twine, string or jute.
I brought home one of the small paper cutters.  The two basically make a wrapping station which I thought was really cute. The brown craft paper comes over the top red bar, under the black blade then lift to cut.  It works great.
This cutter is marked, "Bulman Made."  The company is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is still making cutters today.  I found a few on Ebay which indicate to me that I paid a very good price.  I won't use these daily which is a good thing since they will be out of my reach without a step ladder.  Ready for the terrible picture of where I placed them? I was too excited last night not to snap a photo -
They look great from both sides (porch and studio) and don't draw your attention away from the room. I think they are the perfect sizes and shapes up there.  Plus, they fit on the small ledge which is a bit of a challenge. I added some larger spools sitting on stacked books.  I like the industrial feel and the fact that they serve a purpose in the studio.  What do you think? I had initially thought about a crate on its side with a rooster inside, some books, etc. but now I"m liking these unique pieces. They really seem to match the feel of the room. Would love your opinion...have a great week! I'm linking this post up to a few parties this week. Join us!


  1. Both quirky pieces are very cool. They look good up there and will match the color combo of your curtains - dark and light. i do like the crate idea too, but that's been done before. Great idea.

  2. Those are awesome! I like that you can see them from both sides, I love that the cutter is from GR I live about 30 min. from there! I would want to ust that twine holder all of the time, right now I have all of my string collection in a vintage enamel tub. It works great because I am using them so often. You found some great pieces, the spools are cool too! Have a great week! Theresa xoxo

  3. ooooh...i LOVE the look! So "vintage salvage" and "industrial chic!" Well done my friend...well done!
    Also..."merci" for introducing me to Kim over at Kimballs. she's a talented etsian AND a sweetie (let's get on her to star a blog! :))

  4. I got to see these awesome vintage pieces up close and personal, they are very neat!!! Vic, they look great up there as I new they would!:) Love our Hidden Treasures!!!:)

    Awww, thanks Michelle! you are so sweet!!! ♥

  5. It looks wonderful.Love those old mercantile pieces.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. I bought an old sewing machine just to take the
    thread holder off. I have it on my counter, it looks like the one you have. Nice find. sandi

  7. LOVE them! Very unusual and quirky. And you found a great place for them, too! I'm jealous! :)

  8. I love it Vicki! It seems to me that they are the perfect accent for your studio space. They fit the style and give a hint of what you are up to in there! I also love how they don't fill that space too much and you can still see through the window and get the natural light. I think you done good my friend! :-)

  9. That looks great Vicki ! I actually have one of those spool holders that I got from my late mother-in-law, I really use it by my sewing machine . Your studio is really shaping up wonderfully.

  10. These items get my vote! The crate sounds great, but these items just seem right? Anyhoo, I love them!

  11. Voting for the items you have there now! What unique pieces! Great finds!

  12. Smashing! It's so it. You did good!
    xoSO Sandy O

  13. Love it! I bet you'll be the only one with decore like it!


  14. Vicki,
    They are perfect!!!!! Love all of them!
    No need to look further. =)


    barbara jean

  15. Vicki,
    They look wonderful in the window, just right! I have a few wooden spools also and use them for different things, such as candle holders, hat stands, etc. Your office looks like it is coming along fabulously! I love the gate, and painted it will look wonderful! Anything that looks rusty is right up my alley! Can't wait to see it all finished!

  16. I love it and it is functional also. Too many displays of items that have no function but looks takes away space from your studio. This is wonderful and you can use it when you need it. AWESOME.

  17. I think they look great in that space! I love quirky finds like this but it's hard for me to know how to use them! I still have NOTHING above my cabinets! I'm looking for some fun, authentic nautical things! And you are right...Griffin's was a great place to shop! You could always find interesting things there! Hugs! ♥

  18. Oh wow, Vicki--absolutely fantastic!! Your room is just gorgeous and I love these up there--so much style!!!!

  19. Love your vintage finds. They are sure interesting and I'm certain they will be great conversation pieces.

  20. Two good pieces. Like the spool holder alot! judy

  21. Awesome vintage finds. They look good and at interesting conversation pieces!

  22. Vicki,
    I think it looks great were you have it...such a cool item!!!! Hope you are having a fun time at my party:)


  23. Not quirky at all!
    Cool and useful ...don't you want them within reach? Come tell me what you think of my galvanized fluted thing.

  24. Glorious finds, Vicki! Very unique and they look great where you put them! I wouldn't change a thing! :)

    xoxo laurie

  25. Vicki, I love this, a lot. I hope you are enjoying your new camera.

  26. I would love to have one of those spool holders! I have a similar style of paper cutter that I found for $20 at a barn sale and I have tons of wooden spools. But I really HAVE been on the look-out for the string/spool holder. Lucky duck is your name!! ~ Sue

  27. I like the spool holders - very cool. Blessings, Kim

  28. That looks great. Very creative.

  29. OMGoodness...I am in love with that twine holder! Gorgeous AND practical! Everything looks perfect on that ledge!
