Sunday, February 20, 2011

Renningers junking pictures

I spent a sunny and 80 degree day at Renningers Antique Mall in Mt. Dora, Florida yesterday. My friends Kelly and Cathleen came along. We had a really good time.  It was one of those trips where no one needed any big ticket items. We were simply looking for supplies and enjoyed the hunt.

This particular vendor did not disappoint. I really stocked up on small items that I use in my artwork. I love a dealer that displays items in small groupings and has their prices marked.
I had the point and shoot with me for this trip. I snapped a few photos of things the girls and I drooled over or dreamed about for the house.

There are always some unique pieces for sale here too.  It is just fun to walk and window shop with your homemade lemonade in hand.

I'll save a few pics for my next post.  I made some fun purchases that I'll be sure to photograph tomorrow. How about you? What did you do this weekend? Please tell me it warmed up for you. I've got some news coming this week! Stay tuned.  Hugs! Joining a new party today. I hope to make some new friends and preview some fun junk! Join us!


  1. Oh, I do love the hunt! Wish I'd been along.

  2. wish I would have been there ~ I LOVE treasure hunting ;-)

  3. That looks like so much fun!!! Can't wait for the markets to open up here, but first it has to stop snowing;) Can't wait to see what you bought:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. How fun...I love looking at the furniture. Can't wait to see what you bought!

    It was cold on Saturday and is raining today...nothing like what we were promised!


  5. OMG what fun stuff. Can't wait 2 C the other photos.

  6. I am looking forward to treasure hunting soon...when the weather improves and the Antique Faire calls to me...I wish that all vendors displayed so neatly. Sometimes I feel like I have been in a dusty attic and feel overwhelmed by the junk instead of seeing the true trinket I might have bought.

  7. I went today and drooled over the same vendor that had all of the crafting stuff, she said she is going to be a Renningers monthly fair next month, boy she had it all! The weather was gorgeous and it was jammed! I went to their first Extravaganza of the season in Nov. and was disappointed, there was not as many vendors as today. Got myself a prom dress for $10 and a bunch of perfume bottles. Can't wait to see what you bought!


  8. Oh, I am so jealous! Warm weather and a great antique shopping trip! It certainly wasn't warm here--lots and lots of snow...

    I love the Virgin Mary statues. I inherited one very similar to those when my Grandmother died. It's not an expensive item, but means the world to me. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. Wow, that stuff looks amazing-- I could root through those boxes all day long! Love that green drawer thing.

  10. Oh my goodness, Vicki! I wish I could go there SO bad! I would just be in heaven! And the sunny weather would be really nice too! Thanks for sharing! Now I need to wipe the drool off my keyboard! LOL!!
    Have a wonderful week and can't wait to see what you brought home!

  11. I'm drooling over all those treasures. I love going through little boxes of trinkets. I could spend hours sifting through it all. 80 degrees! I can't even imagine. Sounds like a great adventure.

  12. Wow..I saw several things in your photos I would love to have! I'm hitting the flea markets and antique shops with my mother this week while it's still nice's been warm here, but a cold front will be coming through too soon!

  13. This looks like the best kind of day to me! I love hunting for little goodies...

  14. Vicki,
    Looks like you had a fabulous day, great junking and wonderful weather! Can't wait to see what you came home with! We are still enjoying weather in the high 50s and 60s here, sunny to partly sunny! Good enough to give us a good dose of spring fever! Keeping our fingers crossed that it lasts for a while!

  15. I was there too and that booth with all the findings is my favorite! I adored her shovel garden trellis! I cant wait to post my pics this week:)

  16. I wish I could have gone too! I love that cabinet and those corbels. Do you remember the prices? I'm always curious on how much the prices might have changes since I've been there last. Can't wait to see what you found.

  17. This looks like a really great place with lots of fabulous treasures. Looking forward to part two...

  18. looks like fun. wish we had some place like it here.

  19. Those are some interesting adventures!
    We have an antique market here too, but it's only open on Sunday's... St. Lawrence market it quite beautiful and old in itself... I love to go shopping round and hunt for interesting stuff... The entire place is old, so it just adds to the experience! I'm glad you had a happy hunt fest, had a great weekend myself!


  20. What treasures you came across! I WANT that green drawer file!!!!!!!

  21. What a fun day. Treasure hunting ranks just above CHOCOLATE. I love the white cabinet! We could use that here at the FarmHouse. Blessings, Abbey

  22. soooooo jealous! i am drooling on my keyboard as i type! can't wait t see more! :)

  23. Found you at ATG's Thrift Share Monday! I love your junkin', thrifting asthetic! I look forward to swimming around your site & btw...the small,white glass front cabinet...Wowza perfect for a spot in my kitchen! Looks fun & well stocked in your neck of the woods...I'll "be back", excited to see what you took home!

  24. Oh wow, this looks so fun!! And I love that cash register...amazing!!!
    I hope you're having a great Monday!!!

  25. oh How fun that looked! We love treasure hunting. I wish we had more outdoor places like that though. Cool cash register.

  26. Glad you girls had fun!! Looks like you found some great things, can't wait to see!! ♥

  27. That looks like fun! I can't wait, our big flea markets opens in May!! I am getting ready! Can't wait to see what your picked up.

  28. I'm not going to lie...I have never seen so many seltzer bottles in one spot at one time! fun!

  29. I'm soooo jealous of all your great treasures...this is one place that I have always wanted to shop.


  30. Hi Vicki...ohhh I so wanted to go but it was my son's birthday...will have to make it on a regular flea market weekend...still lots to see and buy. I can't wait to see what you bought.

  31. That's my kind of treasure hunting. Looks like lots of fun.

  32. We probably walked right past each other. Wasn't it a glorious day.
    I went to Webster yesterday and it was awesome. Do you ever go there?
    Who knows maybe one day we will bump into each other.
    Have a great week playing with all of your finds.

  33. Shopping with friends, with sunshine and lemonade...of what fun!

  34. Looks like fun~ stop on by I have a surprise for you! Marianne

  35. Hi Vicki, I'm still trying to get past the 80 degrees part!!! :0) Sounds like you had a good time and found some great little junk to play with and that's all that matters! Smiles, Julie

  36. Hi Vicki, what wonderful treasures... I especially love the old horse, it's always so much fun to go shopping with friends, and I'm so glad the weather was so nice for your girls!!!
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  37. Wow.. what a great trip you had. I would have gotten lost in that place! Beautiful blog by the way...
    Your newest follower
    Tranquil Acres of Alexandria

  38. I have never been - but I live near St. Augustine and am thinking of going this weekend! I'm so excited I found your pictures. The first pictures persuaded me to go! I love sifting through the stuff!
