Friday, February 18, 2011

Sonya's giveaway!

Have you met my friend Sonya at Counting My Blessings?  Well now might be just the perfect time! She's having a fabulous giveaway.  This gorgeous collage above along with this sweet soldered necklace below is gift #1 for a lucky follower.
 She's not stopping there! She made a second collage and necklace too. How generous! Take a peek.
I hope you don't mind that I hijacked your pictures Sonya?! Hurry over for a visit. Add yourself as a follower and leave Sonya a comment telling her that I sent you please.  I hope you win!  Want to see something cute?
This is Buddy, Sonya's cat, claiming the new antique doll bed she just brought home. lol  Sonya just got back from a visit with Barb from Treasures from the Heart.  She got some great things. You'll see!  I'm off to Renningers tomorrow for some antique shopping. I can't wait to share my finds. Have a safe weekend, friends.  xoxo


  1. Hi Vicki,
    Thank you so much for the heads up on my giveaway and the sweet comments! And I don't mind sharing my pictures at all, especially of my Buddy! LOL!
    Blessings to you my friend!

  2. Oh!! Have fun at Renningers! I can't wait to see what you find!

  3. Well we don't have Renningers here so I am waiting for your nest blog to see what you bought!

  4. Thanks for the tips...this looks like a good link. I don't have a Renningers, but it sounds like a fascinating place and shopping for antiques is always fun.(-: And, thank you also for stopping by my blog.

  5. Vicki, I'm hopping over there now. the cat is hilarious ;-)

  6. Poor kitty "dudn't fit" lol

    How I feel about my jeans lol


  7. Thanks for sharing this beautiful giveaway Vicki...I'm headed over there...
    Big hugs,
    p.s. wish i could give that kitty a big hug too...he's so cute!

  8. Thank you Vicki for sharing! The cat is so cute; what a fab photo! Happy Weekend to you n' yours~
