Thursday, March 3, 2011

For the love of vintage hardware

I can still remember the smell of my grandfather's old garage. I can see the countless number of jars filled with nuts, bolts and old nails. They were fascinating to look at and even more fun to open and pour out. I can remember playing with his folding carpenter's rule and pounding rocks with his old hammers on the cold cement floor. I remember the skeleton keys on the work bench that opened crystal door knobs inside the house. It was a room filled with pure treasure to me.

I never met my grandfather. He died a month before I was born. My grandmother left his workshop untouched for many years, long enough for the grandchildren to eventually explore inside and discover the hidden treasures there. When I see vintage hardware or something rusty, I think of that garage. It sparks a bit of excitement inside me.  It feels like I've found treasure again.

I love to use old hardware and vintage doodads in my mixed media art. Above is just a glimpse of a project on my work table tonight. Have a terrific weekend! We are off to the county spelling bee tomorrow. I'm one proud mom.  Linking up to -


  1. I remember my pa's garage the same, He also restored
    old cars so there was car parts hanging or stored
    in shelves. All us grand kids sat and watched as he
    tinkered with his last project or played with stuff.

  2. Hi Vicki! We are kindred spirits, I have a deep unwielding love for vintage hardware! When I go to estate sales the garage and basements are my first stops... they have THE best stuff! I love your art doll, she is fabulous! Have fun at the spelling bee Good Luck to your little one! xoxo

  3. I was blessed to have my grandpa, who was a carpenter, around for a long time. His shed was a magical place and he was so patient. He let me "build" things with his scraps when I was just big enough to use a hammer. Great memories~:0)

  4. I love what I'm seeing so far of what you're working on. I can't wait to see the finished piece.

  5. I think that is neat that you are able to use some of these hardware pieces with special meaning in your art. Love what you are working on.


  6. Love you creativity and how you can bring back memories with your art! Good luck at the spelling bee! Thanks for joining JFF this week! hugs, Linda

  7. what wonderful memories and how great that it inspires you to make such gorgeous art. i love the piece on your table today.

  8. Your project looks adorable--you must show more soon--love the vintage look.

  9. My grandfather had a great shed of tools too! My mom still has several of them that she even still uses :)

    This was a great post that took me down memory lane for a bit. Thanks!

    PS Good luck with the Spelling B. My daughter just finished 2nd in one at her school. I understand about the "proud mama".

  10. Aww, your post made me tear up....reminded me of my "Pappy" and his garage!!! I brought lots of his things home to use later. Good luck with the spelling bee...can't wait to hear how it turns out!!!

  11. I love rustic old hardware too.Good luck at the Bee.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Your project looks amazing! Love rusty hardware too. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

  13. Lost my comment... I will try again
    We have a lot in common as my grandfather was a farmer/blacksmith when my dad was growing up, so his garage was amazing! I remember the smell and his wonderful workbench full of rusty goodness! He was always out there puttering. Last fall when we took a trip back to the Dakota's with my mom, I did a post on it. The house was gone due to flooding but the garage was still there. I wish I could have gone in it... just to see if it smelled the same
    Thanks for the memory, have a wonderful weekend

  14. What sweet memories you have of your grandfather's garage. Good luck and I'll be thinking about you all today.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  15. Loved this post. Such memories for me too. My Grandfather was a builder and had all of those jars of nuts, bolts and nails. He saved everything. I can remember when he retired hanging out in the garage with him while he made things from his saved treasures. I guess that is why I love old things so much. ~~Sherry~~

  16. Nostalgia....isnt it funny how a smell or a china cup pattern that you see at an estate sale can bring back so many memories. My Daddy was a Holsum Bread Man for 37 yrs. I can still smell his scent - a mix of fresh baked bread and hard work...thanks for your post. The Cranky Queen

  17. I love your pieces. They are not only aesthetically pleasing, but I love the sentiment that accompanies them.

    Have a great weekend,

  18. awww, your Grandfather would be so proud of you and love all of the crafty things that you make with vintage finds and hardware! Love this piece my friend, beautiful!!!! xo ♥

  19. I love rustic old hardware too. My grandfathers had the most fascinating garages. The jars, the cans and all the tool chests... They both liked to build things as a hobby and I used to spend a lot of time watching them.

    ~ Tracy
