Friday, March 4, 2011

Kara and the Bee

Kara traveled to the county spelling bee today. That's her on the left with some of the school board members and the runner up from her school.  There were 50 kids from fourth grade to eighth.  Our little fourth grader did not make the final 20, but she was really close!
Ms. Robinson, the assistant principal from her school, came too for the awards ceremony before the competition.  Take a look at this great medal!
...and as a little reward for a job well done, we made a pit stop after lunch for this guy ...
Meet "Mr. Citrus."  He moves into his new fish condo tomorrow. We are letting the water condition and get to room temperature.
Some how I've managed to keep two other fish alive for the past 4-5 years for my son. Let's hope I have the same luck with this guy.  Please send prayers, cross your fingers, throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder, raise your feet off the floor and hold your breath...whatever it takes to help  me keep this little guy healthy! lol  Hope you are having a great weekend. I'm headed to another antique sale at Sweet Peas tomorrow morning. I'm also having lunch with some Central Florida bloggers on Tuesday.  I should have some fun finds and good stories to share. Make sure you stop back by!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS to her! I loved spelling bees when I was in elementary school and still marvel at the Scripps annual competition! Mr. Citrus is quite handsome and his new home looks great. Have a wonderful weekend Vicki!

  2. What a special day! She did GREAT! I know you are proud of her! And I hope your weekend is good and the bloggers meeting is fun! ♥♥♥

  3. how awesome and how proud you must all be? Good for kara! Love that medal! it's a keeper for sure. Good luck with your new addition. I hope he loves his new home (for a long, long time! :))

  4. Hi Vicki,
    Wow that is some medal! Congratulations to Kara!
    Mr. Citris the siamese fighting fish is cool! My kids had those when they were young too! They are easy to take care of.;)And so beautiful
    Have fun at Sweet Peas tomorrow! I can't wait to see what you find. I am going to a flea market Sunday. I'm so excited!

  5. Success isnt about wining the first prize, its about trying constantly. So Congratulations! She did splendidly! The fish is easy to handle, I've had a fighter fish before, so the only thing you need to know is to NEVER put him with another fish... ANY, and not close to another fish tank, they'll keep hitting the side and hurt themselves. I bought mine (dark blye) In something the size of a teacup I swear.. moved him to something much nicer... Yours' home looks gorgeous!

    On another note, I've awarded you with a Stylish Blog Award!!! I just love the atmosphere and feel of your blog, and you are very sweet so I couldnt pass you by! for instructions please take a peek at my latest post ;)


  6. Looks like you had a great time at the spelling bee...congrats to Tara!

  7. Yes, congrats to Tara. She's very lucky to have such a supportive mom.

  8. You must be proud of your little bee!!
    I am so jealous of you that you can shop by Sweet Pea's AND meet up with some bloggers!! Have a great time and can't wait to see some pics!!
    Hugs, Julie

  9. That is so sweet, congrats to her! She looks pretty proud as she should be!
    Good luck with Mr. Citrus, I love that name! I could never keep my poor fish around long, I gave up. :(

  10. Good for you on keeping the fish alive for your son for so long! I was one of those girls winning the spelling bees. But math and science? Forget it.

  11. Way to go Kara, you did so great!!! You are still a winner in my book!!!:) Can't wait to meet Mr. Citrus!!:)

  12. Congratulations Kara, you can be very proud of yourself! Have fun with your new friend! xoxo

  13. Good job, Kara! GL on the goldfish...cute blog!
    THANKS for the visit to my place and sweet words

  14. Way to go, Kara!!!! I hope you all had a great time at the Spelling Bee! And how great for Kara to have a new "fish condo!" lol

    When you get a chance, hop over to my magazine blog--you are featured this whole week!!!

  15. Congrats Kara!! I hope you had a good time, you did great!!!!

  16. Way to go Kara! In the words of Casey Kasem (your mom can tell you who he is), "Keep reaching for the stars!" Lol :)
