Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spying on you!

Hello, friends. I've missed you! My father-in-law has recently been gifting me his old cameras to add to my collection. I'm so excited! The latest is this Minox spy camera. Remember these from old movies?
They work something like this.  I bet there were plenty of blurry pictures and plenty of fingers in the photos too!
It really is a cool little camera.  It comes with an exposure meter, pictured above right. The camera and exposure meter are each on a metal snake chain and have their own leather case.  Everything is in great shape.
Yup, he has the original owner's manual and some film left. I would love to try to use it but have no idea how we would get the film developed. I may have to do some research on that.

Thank you for stopping by. I've been so busy lately with work and the kids sports schedules. I miss visiting you and miss my studio.  I have projects in the works though.  I'll be back soon! Take care.


  1. How neat! I bet you could find your answer on google somewhere on how to get these developed.
    Hope you enjoy your new toy.
    Have a great week

  2. Film cameras are such fun! How lucky you are to be gifted these treasures, I hope that you have great fun with them!
    xo, Anita

  3. Vicky what a gift! I think there is places on line that will develop film or Colonial Photo and Hobby on 50 and Mills would know. Are you going to make it to the Fancy Flea, it is 9-4 April 28th. You should be a vendor! This will be my first show....Oh, do I have enough stuff..The right stuff?


  4. Dear Vicki, such a fantastic gift, looks beautiful in the leather cages. I hope you can try it and have a beautiful paper photo -here we can still get films developed.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  5. ohhhh the spying you can do now! What a great gift, you are a very lucky girl! t.xoox

  6. My stepfather brought me back a unique Minolta "spy" camera from Japan when I was a teenager years and years (and more years) ago, and I still have it. It was fascinating in its tininess, and it took great photos too. I hope you get to use yours. What a fine addition to your collection.

  7. Wow! A carrying case and everything! What a cool find. I'm sure you could find a place to develop your film. Plenty of folks still use it, even though it's not terribly common.

  8. That is so cool! I love it when I get these things with the original paperwork or instruction booklets! I'm collecting vintage cameras for a travel theme room/study for my husband. Just picked up a pair of vintage binoculars in original case and with original bill of sale!

  9. These are so beautiful and unique! :D So lucky of you!


  10. Wow, it's in such great shape! I didn't know you collected cameras, that's really cool. I have an old Polaroid that has 2 pictures left...whenever I think about taking a pic with it, I'll wait for a better picture. So I never use it! lol :)

  11. that's so cool and I want to visit the DC Spy Museum...way cool!

  12. I just love old cameras! So cool! Thanks for sharing this with us. I have heard of spy cameras but had never seen a photo of one.

  13. What a generous Father-in-law. And it's wonderful that you have such a warm relationship with him.

  14. What a sweet father in law...and a fun gift!
    Glad you are well! Seems life is so busy right now!
    Take Care!

  15. Hey there Vicky! You are so lucky that your FIL is passing these awesome treasures down to you. Mine does the same and it means so much more now than later. Hope all is well. I am now over at word press. I went around in the beginning as much as I could to let everyone know and that I got exhausted. Have a great weekend.

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