Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm still here!

Hello, friends!  It has been too long. Thank you so much for your emails and for keeping in touch. All is well. I just found myself very, very busy with home and work this past month.  Each of you have taught me over the years that blogging friends understand sometimes you need to take a break, so that is exactly what I did.
Where to start?! How was your Mother's Day? Mine was great. My friend Jodi surprised us with this little treat. That is homemade sangria in that adorable mason jar that she decorated.  We had both of our moms over on Sunday for a cookout. Yes, I shared the sangria! 
I spent my birthday in April with this bunch. I love these guys. My husband planned a great night for us at The Historic Edgewater Hotel in Winter Garden, Florida. The area is starting to fill up with cute little antique shops and restaurants. The hotel is now a bed and breakfast and is the home to three great restaurants. We enjoyed The Tasting Room.  So good!  I highly recommend.
Here's a fun shot of the girls checking out the original front desk. I loved the old "hotel" sign, the postal cubbies, old phone and the original elevator.  There is even a little ice cream store in the lobby if you are visiting with the kids (and a bar two doors down with karaoke on Saturday nights if you don't have the kids...but that is another I want to go back during the day and explore the shops. Anyone else been there before?

I'll share some fun rooster inspired gifts in my next post.  Hope to be around to visit each of you this week too.  Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments and follows.  


  1. I was thinking about you today and wondering how you are! You've had a fun Spring so far! Love the photos and can't wait to see your gifts! We are in NC this month but will be back in FL soon! I can't wait!

  2. So glad to read this update post. Thankfully busy is a good thing. I was concerned and thinking of you daily. Fun group of gals...

  3. Hi Vicki, we missed you, but totally get it! I have been to Winter Garden a couple times recently, yes it is really hopping! Happy belated Birthday!


  4. We both have been bad blogger..hehe. That's what is good about blogging, you can come back.
    Happy Birthday and Happy Mothers Day to you.
    I love Winter Garden! Actually my family company just redid the whole corner across from the fire station. I went to see it recently and it's beautiful!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday Vicki!!!
    Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    Glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day!!!
    Totally know how it goes ~ haven't been in blogland much the last couple of weeks ~ life just seems to get in the way.
    Welcome back!!!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Vicki,
    funny, we took a break at the same time! Glad you're back, looks like you had some good times! Happy belated birthday!

  7. So happy to have you back...thanks for the visit!! Looks like fun was had by all at your B'day party.


  8. Hey hey hey! Good to see you back dear! :D Glad to see your Momma's day was a success! ;)


  9. Glad your back.... I do understand about having to take a break sometimes. I've been having to do a lot of that lately, there's just so much to do all the time I can't seemed to get caught up. Sounds like you have been having a great time though, that's wonderful!!!
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to you!! I didn't take an official break but have been so busy with everything that life threw at me that I haven't been able to keep up like I like to. I am hoping to be able to do some catching up soon!
    Have a fabulous weekend! t.xoxoxoox

  11. Happy Belated Birthday Vicki. We all need a little time out from blogging sometimes but it is great to see you back. Love your door plates!

  12. Glad to see that your back... Looks like you had fun while you were "gone".

  13. I completely understand needing a break; sometimes real life takes hold of everything, and blogging just gets pushed aside. The WONDERFUL thing about blog friends is that they are always right where you left them when you come back! Happy to hear from you, and to see that things are going well. Happy belated Mother's Day!
    xo, Anita

  14. Dear Vicki,
    Happy belated birthday, you had a beautiful evening,-and so sweet you look in those photoes.
    I`m glad you are back, even maybe not that much as before,..I should also take a little break!!!!
    Sending you hugs from afar.

  15. Sounds like you are enjoying life, Vicki...just as it should be!

  16. Looks like you've been having fun...just as it should be!


  17. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to your new projects.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. Looks like a fun birthday & I just love Sangria ... rings back happy memories of holidays in Spain!
    I just stumbled across your gorgeous blog & have signed up as your latest follower - I look forward to popping back for some more lovely inspiration!


  19. Vicki,
    So happy all is well! You look so happy in your photos~ Yes, we all do need and deserve time away. It is a game of balance trying to do it all~
    Happy you are back, but glad you got away ;D

  20. Look at beautiful you! Happy Belated birthday and YES! Please do join Summer of Color whenever you can - and welcome back ;) xo
