Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Grandmom Lena fabric collage

I gave you a glimpse of this project a month ago while I was taking my Artful Gathering class.  I have finally finished her.  The beautiful girl in the picture is my husband's grandmother, Lena.  She turned 101 this year and is going strong. 
I love the new "webbing" technique I learned at Artful Gathering and used on bottom of this piece.  It is created by layering fibers and scraps onto water soluble paper then sewing them together.  The paper dissolves in water leaving you with the web of fibers. I love the texture and layers this technique creates. What do you think?  Hot mess or hot technique? lol  Thanks for stopping by today. I appreciate your follows and sweet comments so much.  More projects to photograph and share this week! xoxo


  1. 101! Bless her beautiful heart. I love this!

  2. I stayed at a house this summer that had photos of ancestors on the wall. I came home thinging 'I'm going to do that', but after reading your post - how much more fun to decorate the picture as you've shown us. 'I'm going to do that' !!!

  3. Definitely a hot technique. Your did Lena up right!!

  4. This is great. Love the photo. Wonderful that she is still going strong at 101! Is that an old book cover around Lena?
    Hugs, Jackie

  5. Absolutely beautiful,Vicki!!
    WOW,101 and still going strong.
    Have a great day.

  6. Hi Vicki,
    This is a lovely piece, and means so much more because you have used a family photo.
    Looking forward to more peeks into what you've been creating.
    enJOY a lovely Autumn day,

  7. This turned out beautifully, Vicki! It's so nice that you could use a photo of a family member for this project. Lena would love this.
    I love the webbing! :)

  8. Definitely hot technique! Love your beautiful fabric collage.

  9. So very pretty. I love your work.

  10. Your collage is beautiful, Vicki- and what a lady!
    The technique is very HOT-and I use it sometimes when creating wings for my angels- gives wonderful results-like here on your collage.

  11. I am so happy you finished, how wonderful! It came out really beautiful~

  12. Love this Vicki. wonderful and creative!

    barbara jean

  13. Hi Vicki:) It came out beautiful! 101 years old???God bless her!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  14. Oh definitely - hot technique!! Love it! Everything blends so well and just highlights Lena's beauty....Has she seen this yet?? What a wonderful, wonderful, tribute and dedication piece. Love it Vicki....You have a gift!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. Such an interesting technique! 101?..WOW!!!

  16. Hello Vicki,
    Love the technique!! And how wonderful she is still going strong at 101.

    Enjoy your day!!!

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  17. Your collage is as lovely as Great Grandmom. I did this technique only once during classes I took to learn what my new sewing machine could do. I better get the book out and try it again as I really like the look and effect here. Thank you for reminding me of this...

  18. That collage is stunning! The colour and feel of it all is wonderfully old and tasteful! :)


  19. this is such a gorgeous piece (and what a beautiful lady)! definitely a cherished heirloom for the family. your work is amazing!

  20. This is a beautiful way to pay tribute to a beloved family member. It turned out great! I have seen that technique used in applications but I have never used it. I am glad to hear it worked so well.
    Congratulations to Grandama Lena on 101! My husband's aunt celebrated 100 this year. They are true American treasures. Ginger

  21. Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!!
    I've not done my webbing from the class yet - decided my one piece didn't need it, but I'm going to try it soon. Love how yours looks!!

  22. IT. IS. Stunning! I absolutely love everything about it - the colors, the webbing, the vintage look and feel - AND that the subject is 101! Fabulous, xoxo

  23. Your fabric collage is gorgeous and Grandma Lena is beautiful -- and obviously healthy since she is going strong at 101. I wish my Mammaw could have lived that long. The webbing technique looks great. I love frayed fibers and all the layers you've used. Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  24. This is a wonderful project, and I think the webbing technique was absolutely perfect with this piece! Amazing woman!!
    Have a great weekend!

  25. absolutely gorgeous! you know the colors are my favorite and well all of the layers and that webbing makes it an incredible piece of art. love it! t. xoxoox

  26. Love this Vicki...and love the subject matter! Great job!
