Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Studios and vintage storage that inspire me!

 Photo courtesy of:  Mamie Jane's
The past few nights, I've really been enjoying reviewing the links again from Karen Valentine's 2010 blog party Where Bloggers Create.  The New Year is a time for renewal, reorganizing and redecorating! As you know, I'm trying to convert an entire room into a new studio. So, I'm seeking ideas. I have great pieces of furniture in place but now I need to think about repurposing some of my vintage finds into storage items and organizing all of my supplies. So, where's the best place to get these ideas? fellow bloggers....YOU!
I love how Jane from Mamie Jane's has decorated her entire studio and especially how she uses her vintage finds to organize everything. Check out her simple solution above using a divided crate.
Photo courtesy:  Mamie Jane's
This area in Jane's studio is also a favorite of mine.  Double click on photo to enlarge. She has used an old spool, added hooks, wrapped her lace trims around rulers and hung! Yet another fabulous idea from Jane. If you are a regular on her blog, you already know she is full of them. I've actually wrapped my lace around the spool but this is so much more efficient and fun.  Of course, I love how she has used this caddy and enamel cups to store bits and bobs too.  I really want to display some of my vintage jewelry and buttons as well as have them organized and ready to use. How many thrift store finds do you have in the closet waiting to serve a purpose like this? How about a printer's tray? Have one of those?
 Photo courtesy:  Mamie Jane's
Buttons look so pretty sorted and displayed like this, if you have the room. I think my vintage jewelry pieces would be fun displayed like this too. I have some printers trays and plan to try this in the studio.
Photo courtesy:  Mamie Jane's
Here's another fun storage piece from Jane's studio, a chicken feeder and old crate mounted on the wall. Both of these hold her ribbon.  She has everything sorted by color and very organized.  Do you want to see Jane's whole studio?  Click on any of the links above or go here.
 Photo courtesy: Common Ground
Next up, Debra at Common Ground.  Since I"m now using the first room that you see when you enter my front door as my studio, I found great inspiration in these photos.  Debra has a fully functional studio where she runs her Etsy shop, booth and blog yet it looks like a gorgeous home office filled with her favorite vintage finds and collections.  
 Photo courtesy:  Common Ground
Another great way to store your tools, in a vintage drawer.  I think I'm going to sort my tools into a variety of crates, baskets and drawers so that I can just grab the right assortment and bring it to the table. You know, a crate for painting,  a crate for paper tools, etc...
I love how this frame has been repurposed into a stylish bulletin board or inspiration board. I have a little something up my sleeve to use in my studio as wall art and inspiration board. Stay tuned...Would you like to see more of Debra's studio?  Simply click on the link provided.
Photo courtesy:  Old Grey Mare
Next up...Suzan at Old Grey Mare.  She really knows how to keep things organized and has taken advantage of every piece of this small space.  The vintage crates, cubbies, drawers, jars, etc work so well together in this wall gallery she has created.
 Photo courtesy:  Old Grey Mare
These tiered stands are so easy to find these days and so functional in the studio.  I use a smaller version right now in our home office. I'm thinking of looking for a very large one to use in the new space.
 Photo courtesy: Old Grey Mare
Here is a great piece to use as wall art.  Small pieces of ephemera can be attached with metal clips, clothes pins or tied with string. What a great way to display your work, vintage pictures, post cards or anything that inspires you. Would you like to see the rest of Suzan's studio?  Easy, just click on the link I just provided. Thank you ladies for letting me use your photos. Love your studios and your fabulous ideas! I'll be using a few of these! 


  1. You are too sweet! Thank you for all the wonderful compliments about my studio space....if you could only see it now (it is quite the mess).
    I really look forward to seeing the progression of your studio. I'm sure you will have wonderful ideas to share with all of us.
    Thanks again.

  2. Love those studios/offices...You found inspiration in all the right places, as those are gorgeous! Yours will be too!

  3. Yep Love Jane and her studio. SHE ROCKS with awesome repurposing ideas.
    She gives me great inspiration every post she does.
    Can't wait to see your studio all spiced up!

  4. Oh that is wonderful be so organized! I will be working on that this year.

  5. Vicki, how sweet of you to share these lovely ladies shops.studios with us. Very inspirational ...

    ~ Pop over for our CSN Giveaway, if you haven't ~
    Have a beautiful New Year ~
    TTFN ~

  6. These are all wonderful studios...very inspiring!!

  7. Do I have printers' drawers? I have three and I use them to display the tiny things I can't resist buying. It's a challenge finding things that fit!
    Lovely pics and very special blogs. Ideas to tidy things are always welcome. xx

  8. Don't you just love seeing how inventive all of these creative people are when it comes to organizing their studios! And making them beautiful and unique in the process! So inspiring!

  9. I do love good studio storage ideas and that drawer for holding craft pieces is perfect!
    Happy New Year and thanks for sharing!

  10. Vicki,
    I could spend hours looking at these wonderful studios. Great ideas for inspiration!

  11. Oh my goodness Vicki those are amazing! I would love to have a studio like one of those, so organized, clean and pretty! I bet you have so many ideas spinning in your head, I can't wait to see what you have come up with! Off to look at those great rooms! ;)

  12. Wow, there is some great stuff pretty and inspirational! Thanks for sharing!


  13. Great post sweetie.
    I'll be checking these out.


    barbara jean

    PS my problem though, is that all my cute, vintage containers go into the store, leaving me with plastic boxes, and muffin tins. =)

  14. Well you picked out some great inspirations for your new space. When I read this post yesterday I started looking around the basement for some more unique storage ideas for my office space.

  15. I have been looking or a storage solution for rubber stamps! I don't want to buy plain old plastic boxes, but I'm not gettin any inspiration any where either! If you have an ideas, I would be open to them!

  16. Hi Vicki, I just found my studio over here! Thanks for featuring me, you should see it after the holidays...oh what a mess! te he!
    I really loved WWC, it gave me so many ideas. We all need a great place to create. Have fun on your studio project!

  17. how can i purchase the jeweled wine cork ornaments
