Sunday, June 17, 2012

Roosters to share!

 I'm finally getting around to sharing a few presents from my bday in late April.  My friend, Kim, found this awesome 1950's folk art platter.  I need to get things organized and fine a good spot for this.
I'm guessing these were sold in department stores?  Seem to be plentiful. My kitchen has the same colors so should be fun to display there.
Kim also gave me this great Happy Birthday postcard.  I promise to scan and upload this week to share with you along with a few more images I've collected.  This sure is one you can use over and over again.
Kelley also slipped a little rooster into her gift.  This guy know hangs on the shutters in my kitchen.

Funny thing is that I never collected roosters until I started this blog.  I think most of my readers assumed that I had a rooster collection when I started the blog, but really the rooster is a symbol of the community were we live - Oviedo, Florida.  Our town is very suburban but we are known for the chickens that roam our streets. They even roost at our local Popeyes Chicken among other businesses.  You can read more and see more of the infamous Oviedo chickens in one of my older posts here.

Thanks for visiting!  I have some projects in mind to share, and I'm cleaning the studio. It is so fun to find things you forgot you had.  More to share soon! Linking up to -


  1. What a sweet plate!! Your friend knows you well..
    Happy belated birthday!!

  2. The same thing happened to my aunt and now she has a kitchen full of rooster themed items. She keeps saying she wants to tone it down but she keeps receiving them as gifts. I remember reading your earlier post on the chickens roaming your town. Funny! Folks here keep them too, even when they don't really have a place for them, so they are often seen roaming the streets. That platter is very pretty! Wishing you a great week. Tammy

  3. Dear Vicki, great to see you here again- and with such sweet rooster items,- your friends adding to your collection is so sweet- also if you never had one before blogging ,lol-
    Hope all is well, and wishes you a happy week-

  4. HI, we have not talked for so long! Yep, I can vouch for your chicken infestation! I was at the opening party for Adjectives Market on Friday night, I saw Shelly and Sylvia there, great store...Have you been there yet?


  5. Dear Vicki,
    happy belated Birthday:)The plate is beautiful.
    Have a great week.
    XO Marie

  6. What lovely birthday goodies! I'm anxious to see what else you have to share; I've missed your creations!
    xo, Anita

  7. Love all of your roosters for you 'collection' lol. Thank you for stopping by and the good wishes for our new shop. Can't wait to start painting!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. Your roosters are great, Vicki! When we took our recent trip to California, we stopped to eat in Marysville, in Northern California, and chickens were wandering all over that town, too!

  9. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and it's so nice to see some of your gifts. I love that cute rusty rooster! Happy summer! We're getting a little shower right now and it's cooled things off!

  10. What a fun platter, Vicki, and the rusty rooster is awesome! And love how roosters are your "city bird"! LOL! Too cute!
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  11. Vicki,
    Happy belated birthday! Appears you had a fabulous time! You got some great roosters to add to your collection, that plate is so funky, very cool!

  12. Oh I love these rooster goodies! Each is fantastic! And a Happy Belated dear girl! :D


  13. Yep, I did think you collected roosters, lol, glad you had a great birthday! Hope to see more of your vintage treasures soon. :)

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