I've been trying to find demijohns at good prices to decorate with in the family room or kitchen. These were the perfect sizes and also in very good shape. This dealer had a table full so there were plenty to choose from. Much cheaper than what I had seen in local antique stores and on Ebay.
I love vintage books for decorating and making paper wreaths. These were a steal and just the right colors for the season. Don't you love these old shoes? I can't wait to alter them or just add a small Christmas pic and tag.
Vintage buttons are not hard to find but the prices were really, really good here. I never pass these up since they look great in an apothecary jar while they are waiting to be used on a project.
I couldn't pass up this little chippy green step stool either. I'm sure I will find a great spot for it while decorating for Christmas. Maybe in front of the tree? What should I put on top? I could also use it on the back porch. I always need plant stands out there.
You might remember these from my first post about Renningers. These are Dutch ice skates. They still have a bit of the sticker left on them which indicates a Brussels manufacturer. The blades are also marked "Akkrum" which is Dutch. I thought they were so unique. They are part of my front porch display now.
That's my little milk crate in front there which was the inspiration for my giveaway. The skates now hang from this vintage sleigh. The wreath I brought home from our trip to get the Christmas tree is a bit large I'm afraid! I may have to change that.
I was so happy with my finds and then...on the way out...I spotted this!
She's a 1929 wall paper sampler! The first 25 pages or so have been used as a scrapbook...by someone in the 1930's! I was so excited. There are old newspaper clippings, comics, drawings and schoolwork dated mostly 1931. Here's a glimpse -
Of course there is plenty of old wallpaper too! This is just one of those unique finds that deserves its very own post. Look for more on this great find for White Wednesday. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by. Your follows and comments are so appreciated. Don't forget to enter in the giveaway by Sunday, December 5th at 5:00 p.m. Have a great week!