Hello there! I thought I would share a couple of quick wrap ideas with you. If you find yourself in a jam, this is a favorite of mine. Simply take brown bags, don't unfold or open, sew down three sides leaving the top open. You have an instant envelope. Fold the top over and then punch two holes next to each other for a ribbon to be inserted and bow tied. Not my original idea but I certainly have used the heck out of it!
I ripped a page from an old book and found some embellishments that I've had for years in the scrapbook closet. I could have easily stamped on another piece of paper or fabric and added that instead. Here's a good rule of thumb...layer your projects in odd numbers. Paper, one white snow flake and one silver snowflake...three layers on any project gives you depth and interest. Even on one this simple!
Thank you Pinterest for the idea to make the craft beer into a reindeer! lol This is one of Rudolph's lesser known cousins, Leroy. He was also discriminated against years ago for his unusual nose but didn't seem to get the publicity his super high flying cousin did!
And a quick shipping tag. Sometimes it is fun to NOT put "To and From." Try using a picture of you or something obvious like this basset hound stamp. Trust me...our friends knew it was us that left this at the door, rang the bell and ran. p.s - try to ignore the missing front feet on the dog. I never said I was perfect! lol
Hope you are preparing for Him and all the visitors headed your way this joyful holiday. See you soon!