Kelley runs an Etsy store called Gongy and Squish. She is also starting to do local craft shows. Here are a few more of her creations that Jodi has purchased and proudly displays in her lovely home.
This assemblage is one of my favorites. Aren't I lucky to have such a talented friend to create with sometimes? Here's another cutie pie made by her hands.
Jodi received this next one from Kelley as a birthday gift this year. All the pictures used are from a day we spent thrifting and junking together. I just love them! The foursome shot from left to right is: Me, Kim, Jodi and Kelley.
Of course, Jodi has a gift for decorating too which makes everything look just perfect! How about this chippy green shutter all decked out for fall?
And this is her PB knock off tree...Did you see the giant tree branch PB had on a front porch which was decorated with crows and vintage book pages? Well, we each did our own copy cat version and put them in old nail barrels. They came out great. I'm about to redo mine for Thanksgiving and will share that project with you. For now, here's Jodi's -I did the best inside photos I could with a house full of kids and husbands! I just did not want you to miss out on the fun! Speaking of fun, I'll leave you with a shot of my crazy kids. They are getting older now and Halloween costumes now are more for gags. Meet my whoopie cushion and sign spinner -
Yes, I'm so proud! lol It was a busy weekend but lots of fun. I did work in my little studio this weekend and have some vintage inspired Christmas ornaments to share with you! I'll work on getting some photos up asap! Take care my friends!